Oh please, just because they can change to law at will doesn't mean shit. Just google Kucinich's articles of impeachments, there is 35 cases. The SAD part is that they are all in it together for the most part. Politics is a joke. It's a show for the feckless masses.
We are going into DEPRESSION. Most of the politicos know this and most likely Obama will be president.
Obama is just another company man like McCain.
In four (4) months, this country will be firmly on the path to Depression. Oil will, conservatively, be $170/barrel and $6/gallon, and the financial markets will be on the verge of collapse or have collapsed.
Under those circumstances, it is hard to imagine that Obama CAN"T win.
As I see it, Obama's biggest problem now will be millions of angry Americans who will wake up to the fact, sometime in mid-2009, that he can't possibly or humanly deliver the "change" he falsely promised to so many, and that he is merely a new puppet properly-positioned by the global elite to "control" American masses with uplifting speeches and soothing words to avert a civil uprising as their standard of living plummets and crime abounds.
I will be curious to see how Americans react to the betrayal. It is inevitable that Obama will be a one-term president. He didn't create the problem, but he has unfortunately promised that he can "fix" it. Which should lead the way for Hitler's second coming with the campaign slogan of "Blame the black guy"
We have a long way to go down this rabbit hole.