Newbie with problems - Leaves curling up


Guys, I'll try to attach some pics with this, but if it doesn't work I'll describe completely.
3 plants
2 weeks old from fem seedlings
2 are Afghan Express / 1 is Afghan Kush Ryder (larger leaf)
In light miracle grow soil incl fillers
room is 2x3x4 feet
Two fans in (oscillating), exhaust fan out
several passive air inlets
watering when pots feel lighter (every 3-4 days)
400 watt HPS
Average temp around 92 deg
average moisture about 35%
fed only once (since the miracle grow already had some nutrients in it)
plants are aprox 3" tall
Firstly, are they growing at an average rate?
2ndly, one of the Af Express is curling leaves up

I know some of you guys see more in a picture than I can see in hours
so I need your expert advice on if I'm doing this right or wrong




Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yup heat stress.
Keep the water/feed off the plants leaves.
MG? Oh boy,,,,don't feed it! The soil has it in it and that ain't good for Cannabis...


Yup heat stress.
It's a bitch keeping it cool in there with the door closed. Temps sometimes get up to 98-99 deg.
AC is not an option right now, however the surrounding room is quite cool. Would you suggest
more intake fans as a solution?

Noted that no food should be added to the MG soil.

Are you also suggest I stop spraying the leaves with water?

Thanks Bros.


New Member
At 98 degrees, watering the leaves most definitely will burn them. Your humidity isn't bad, but that room needs to be in the 75 - 85 range at least.

A good fan will work, but you need in inlet and exhaust. Air needs to be cycled out, if you just bring it in, that 600 w is gonna cook the room, as you are now doing.


Thanks guys,
This balance of heat / cool is rough
I already have a "fart fan" on the top, 2 fans for intake, four passive intakes and 2 fans oscillating. This 400 watt HPS is just so hot. Do you guys think ducting the lamp with the fart fan will give me the 10 degree heat reduction I need?
Thanks again

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys,
This balance of heat / cool is rough
I already have a "fart fan" on the top, 2 fans for intake, four passive intakes and 2 fans oscillating. This 400 watt HPS is just so hot. Do you guys think ducting the lamp with the fart fan will give me the 10 degree heat reduction I need?
Thanks again
It sure won't hurt.....Try to get some AC into that room.


Well-Known Member
you need a proper inline fan and a cool tube . its the only real way to correct your temps without leaving the room wide open to vent . high temp and a lot of fans dry the plant out all the more although they r keeping them from getting cooked. ducting the fart fan will b a waste of time not enuff cfm to move enuff cool air for heat disapation . is that mg soil ure using have chem ferts in it ? if so repot ,i see so many poor grows with that stuff because of ph problems . best of luck,