Screw the guests read now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Can we all see that is is working great today after all the hard work Rollitup has put in? There was an issue and now it is fixed and better than ever so everyone chill. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
They'll get it fixed...there never used to be many probs...only recently has the server been messing up.


Staff member
Yup, it did do it again. Just like an ill person, we generally only know to diagnose a problem when symptoms present; we can't fix the site when it's telling us nothing is broken. Stability should be back soon, just hang in there :D

If you use the Opera browser, pressing back will keep your form contents. This is great when e.g. posting long messages - just in case.. I'm not recommending you all hop to another browser, just putting it out there as another option for anyone who might like it.

One final thing - it's not the bloody guests :p

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
My personal feeling is that NO ONE who hasn't contributed to the site financially a la Elite membership should be bitching when the site has problems.... YES THIS INCLUDES ME.

Actually I would like to pay.... but last time I checked they were still having problems with setting up a secure pay method.

Anyhooooo.... IMO... until one contributes financially to the site I think we are all entitle to the same access... including guests because really what's the difference.... the fact that a member created a user name vs. someone who didn't?

This place costs money to run and I'm pretty sure it's not making a profit so we all need to sit tight and accept that sometimes there will be problems and RIU will fix them as best they can as fast as they can. After all... they want us here just as much as we want to be here.

This post is not intended to flame anyone..... it is just my opinion... :peace:


Too many brownies
Im using firefox and if you make a post and you get the server to busy page just hit the back button on your browser and your post will be right there just click the post button again, it works. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
RIU can be tediously s-l-o-w loading when one is using dial-up access, as I am . . . even w/o yesterdays server issues.
I was convinced it was caused by this this newer AVG8free virus-software . . . which I finally trashed for another, evening before last. PC now staying connected and site loading much better today . . . so, you see, good things can come from server issues. Got rid of a bloated hog program that has THE WORST free help forums on earth/the net, which I doubt I'd ever have done had I not stopped by here a few months back.


Well-Known Member
thread closed it isnt the guests we are tweaking the server for speed results. If you notice its pretty fucking fast atm :)
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