Pelosi calls surge of illegal immigrant children an ‘opportunity’


Well-Known Member
I still find it crazy that none of this is even really happening.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi argued Saturday that the surge of illegal immigrant children and families crossing into the U.S. is more of an "opportunity" than a "crisis" -- even as the Obama administration was scrambling to free up more resources to handle the influx.

The administration itself appears to be treating the surge as a crisis, assigning a point person -- FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate -- to coordinate the federal response. President Obama also plans to appeal to Congress on Monday for more funding to address the surge on the border.

But Pelosi, D-Calif., visiting the Texas-Mexico border on Saturday, suggested those crossing should be welcomed and not treated as a problem.

"This crisis that some call a crisis, we have to view as an opportunity," Pelosi said. "If you believe as we do that every child, every person has a spark of divinity in them, and is therefore worthy of respect -- what we saw in those rooms was [a] dazzling, sparkling, array of God's children, worthy of respect."

Pelosi acknowledged that the surge "does have crisis qualities," but again urged the public to use it as an "opportunity to show who we are as Americans, that we do respect people for their dignity and worth."

Republican lawmakers have blamed the surge -- largely made up of illegal immigrant minors trekking from Central America, through Mexico and across the Rio Grande Valley in Texas -- on the Obama administration's policies, arguing that they've only encouraged more illegal immigration.

The Obama administration, for its part, has tried to telegraph to Central American countries that their residents will not be given a free pass to stay in the U.S.

Due to the backlog in the immigration system and other factors, however, the reality is that the U.S. government is housing many of those crossing for an indeterminate period of time.

Obama reportedly plans to seek more than $2 billion to help respond to the crossings, and seek "fast track" authority for the Department of Homeland Security to more quickly screen and deport children crossing the border illegally.

A White House official confirmed to Fox News that Congress will be asked to approve more funding and "added flexibility" so the government can "deal with the significant rise in apprehensions of children and individuals from Central America who are crossing into the United States."

The administration, according to the official, so far has deployed additional immigration judges, immigration attorneys and asylum officers to handle the glut of cases, and has been seeking additional space to hold some of those crossing the border.


Well-Known Member
The crisis is what's happening in Central America causing loving parents to send their children off to safe havens alone.

Yay socialism!!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Why does she have to bring God into it? She's trying to pull on people's heartstrings. Too much touchy feely and not enough policy involved here.
She should be true to her Democratic principles and abort those children, then eat them. It would be a late term abortion, but she would be idolized by the left.


Well-Known Member
An economist.
How so Alec?

Unless we sell them or put em to work in sweatshops, kids are costly.

I'm a sucker for kids caught in shitty situations through no fault of their own. I hope we do right thing, whatever that may be,

I'm willing to do my part and take in a few 17 year old Columbian girls;)


Well-Known Member
How so Alec?

Unless we sell them or put em to work in sweatshops, kids are costly.

I'm a sucker for kids caught in shitty situations through no fault of their own. I hope we do right thing, whatever that may be,

I'm willing to do my part and take in a few 17 year old Columbian girls;)
Future work force.

Currently Americans are not making enough babies.

Population decline.

Technically future 'exploitation.'


Well-Known Member
I think that gap can be filled rather easy with legal immigration. Encouraging an influx of children crossing without parents is cruel and inhumane.
aren't you the same idiot who says children should be given speeding tickets as passengers in their parent's car?


Well-Known Member
I think that gap can be filled rather easy with legal immigration. Encouraging an influx of children crossing without parents is cruel and inhumane.
You will first have to give US companies a reason to sponsor immigrants, it is a costly and long process. Often times (most) it is not worth their headache.

An immigrant on their own faces a typical process that lasts years. During the processing time they must apply for work visas over, and over again to maintain their legality. The process is supposed to take only three months after you submit your paperwork, like all government entities it takes much longer. Often about six or more months just to hear back, this is after you have waited about a year or two typically.

get an exceptional ability visa, basically you need to be at the top of your field to even be able to apply. This process often takes longer then employee sponsored processes and has an extremely difficult vetting phase.

enter the lottery and hope you get randomly picked from a two million plus pot of applicants.

There is no easy streamlined process for becoming a citizen in this country, it is long and expensive process.

Unless you marry an American.

A massive influx of future workers will make an economist salivate at future potential. I agree, this is definitely not the answer.

It is most definitely inhumane to encourage such a thing.

Cartels may be the cause: