Outdoor issue. Slugs trying to eat my plants.


Well-Known Member
They already got a few entire leaves off, and i, finding 1-3 under each pot out side. How can I stop the bastards, my funds are low but I do not wanna see this nightmare continue any help is appreciated. I did read up in copper and ash. Does copper pennies around the base work, and can ciggarette ash work?
Thanks for any replies I appreciate it

The one in the middle is getting it the worst. I transfered it to a bigger pot I think 3 gallon today. Forgot to take pics lol but ill take some soon.



Well-Known Member
awesome!! i can get my hands on that..whjat about putting saltt all over the ground as well but not in my pots? thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
you dont want to much salt around will attact critters, having too much salt is like putting a salt lick out and saying here animals come enjoy. just a little around the rim will be fine

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
brown dirt warrior suggests using those metal scouring pads around the main stem. they're made of copper, i think, something like that. it's like pouring salt on them, they don't like it and go away.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks guys how about copper wires roubd the pot and base of stem. Like speaker wire .


Yeah we have a lot of slugs up here as well if you can get your hands on some sand and put it on the ground then put your pots on the sand they cant even get near them because of the sand.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we have a lot of slugs up here as well if you can get your hands on some sand and put it on the ground then put your pots on the sand they cant even get near them because of the sand.
whatt! really in that case im covered i have 20kg x 4 of sand for my kids box this year, n its just being used to top it off so ill have lots extra, thanks alot.


Yeah it dries them out pretty fast and on a microscopic level most sand is actually really sharp which the slugs hate.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks guys how about copper wires roubd the pot and base of stem. Like speaker wire .
I've done this and didn't have any slug problems so it might work. Can not say for sure because I didn't have a slug problem to start with, used it as a preventative measure.


Well-Known Member
Good info. I'm planning to go out this evening with sand and then asap ill wrap the pots in wire and take pics of it all and post results as well.
Going to upsize another pot as well.


Well-Known Member
This is the first year I've had to battle these fuckers. I bought some slug and snail killer but it didn't work at all. Every time I go to my plots, I'll find 10-15 around the base of the plants.. even found snails on the tops of plants a few times. I guess that I'm going to have to try out the sand. How much do you need around each plant? Just enough to lightly cover the soil?
Yeah we have a lot of slugs up here as well if you can get your hands on some sand and put it on the ground then put your pots on the sand they cant even get near them because of the sand.


Well-Known Member
put a ring of copper wire around base or on ground. i have a 4" circle of wire on the ground around mine and no snail or slugs, the few in the same area i got lazy n didn't place wire have damage.


Well-Known Member
well i got so tied up i had to make my trip quick, and didnt bring enough sand , haha. Still hoping this work for my biggest one there.
but whats even more depressing is my plants looking sad, do they normally droop a little after sundown? maybe its from all the rain but i thought they were standing up more this morning when i was there,
here's what i got accomplished tonight and will do more ina few days, canada day is tomorow so its not a good day


This is the first year I've had to battle these fuckers. I bought some slug and snail killer but it didn't work at all. Every time I go to my plots, I'll find 10-15 around the base of the plants.. even found snails on the tops of plants a few times. I guess that I'm going to have to try out the sand. How much do you need around each plant? Just enough to lightly cover the soil?
I honestly couldn't say exactly how much you need, any will help I prefer about an inch covering the ground, as I have quite the quantity of sand at my disposal... endless amounts. I never really had to bother trying with light layers, my plants might as well be on a beach.

well i got so tied up i had to make my trip quick, and didnt bring enough sand , haha. Still hoping this work for my biggest one there.
but whats even more depressing is my plants looking sad, do they normally droop a little after sundown? maybe its from all the rain but i thought they were standing up more this morning when i was there,
here's what i got accomplished tonight and will do more ina few days, canada day is tomorow so its not a good day
Eh I also live in Canada, Happy early Canada Day sucks about the sand lol but it should prevent the little bastards from climbing up so well. As for your plants looking sad they look a little droopy, could be many reasons I'm sure they'll perk back up though. My plants droop a little bit for about an hour or so when it starts to get dark. Come back out in the early morning and they're all reaching for the sky haha. Good luck to the both of you.


Well-Known Member
I honestly couldn't say exactly how much you need, any will help I prefer about an inch covering the ground, as I have quite the quantity of sand at my disposal... endless amounts. I never really had to bother trying with light layers, my plants might as well be on a beach.

Eh I also live in Canada, Happy early Canada Day sucks about the sand lol but it should prevent the little bastards from climbing up so well. As for your plants looking sad they look a little droopy, could be many reasons I'm sure they'll perk back up though. My plants droop a little bit for about an hour or so when it starts to get dark. Come back out in the early morning and they're all reaching for the sky haha. Good luck to the both of you.
Thanks happy canada day!


Well-Known Member
Good day! to those reading along here and to those who helped me I figured you might to see an update. I got more sand in there and the ladies are happy, well hopefully ladies.
So as far as what I have done and the results, Im happy and can say the sand works. I put abouit an inch thick under all the pots and around and I have not had any more slug activity since 2 days ago.
Heres the pics of what Ive done. And im proud to say they are happier , the drooping went away. I fed them today while I was there, as well.
On a side note, Im still getting some mite activity on some lower leaves, Ive done nothign to address this at this point but i read that spraying with soapy water will help.
Can anyone elaborate on this for me please?
Thanks everyone



Well-Known Member
Good quality snail and slug pellets. The poison will work ,keep pets away from pellets it works on them to.