Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Well-Known Member
I fully believe everybody involved to have much better things to spend their money on ;) I can guess where you are from my friend... BUT I still like to put faith in mankind. Out here arguments can get to THAT level sure, but I would like to stick to believing that I have found somewhat more civilized company here, including kgp. He at least sticks to the number one rule of a good curse: Keep it Creative. I will hand the man that, he knows a good curse.
Absolutely. Ham and I aren't.... Say best friends.

But I wish him no harm at all heated words are just that.

Let's say that there are many of us who could probably share war stories in the urban jungle, or on the other side of the wall.

Like many of you, i have too much to lose, to start senseless threats and actions.

Not saying madi is wrong. People get killed every day from beef that is worth less than the bullets from the gun.

I am not that person. Peace.
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Well-Known Member
Nice healthy girl Ham.

I got my GSOG's having little solo parties in my cab right now. 2-3 weeks and I'll be topping. Probably 4 weeks after that I will be flowering.

Anyone know the stretch I should expect on these ladies? Should I be spreading out the footprint huge since I won't be able to flower for 2 months? my grow space is like 5 foot max light height. <=== Shameless plug :) They'll be vegging forever so not much of a show for now.
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Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
I have a question, I'm growing out some Cerberus and one of my girls smells like fresh cut Cantaloupe, and is yielding buckets compared to the rest of the phenos. She is showing no signs of any OG influence from her mom. Does GGG have any males that are known to spawn Cantaloupe smelling, high yielding, offspring?
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Well-Known Member
MH gage green worth the money? After reading this thread, currently I am of the opinion that it is not.


Well-Known Member
im not getting what your asking,what are you looking for?what are you looking to get out of dealings with GGG?
if you already have the opinion "that it's not".then GGG may not be for you.

do you know anything about GGG other than this thread?


Well-Known Member
im not getting what your asking,what are you looking for?what are you looking to get out of dealings with GGG?
if you already have the opinion "that it's not".then GGG may not be for you.

do you know anything about GGG other than this thread?
Maybe match the description. I see pictures of beautiful plants on various forums followed by growers disappointed in the effect and taste. My opinion is a lot of people are paying considerably to be testers for something that was rushed to market. One or two fanboys posting how great the gear is doesn't change the reality of something less than being found by those who pony up the dough to take a chance at what the description is promising. To be fair I have gown nothing by GGG and will spend my money elsewhere at the moment. IThe more I look at these guys the more I see another cash grab on false promises.... pretty standard these days in the seed game.
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