Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

Don't forget to check craigslist for used, I find amazing deals on Smart Pots often a fraction of the price as new. I bought my 200's for $10ea (retail at $60 new)

I'm a little leery of craigslist. I'm a little leery of going to a stranger's house. I think it would make me feel vulnerable cuz I keep hearing Gary telling me not to run my odds down.
I'm new to all this. First plant ever! Found a seed and planted early spring with some flowers and it seems to be doing well? Dallas tx area.
How much would I offer for 3, he says new w/tags, 30 gal smart pots?
Look for bigger ones 20 gal seems small for what I read the roots do in those pots I think you will be root bound halfway into flowering !! But don't take my word for it I'm actually talking out of my ass right now I never used a smart pot before!
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Look for bigger ones 20 gal seems small for what I read the roots do in those pots I think you will be root bound halfway into flowering !! But don't take my word for it I'm actually talking out of my ass right now I never used a smart pot before!

My back hurts just thinking about filling up a 200 gal smart pot. I'm talking out of my ass, too, as I have no idea how many bags of soil it takes to fill a 200 gal smart pot. :-D
My back hurts just thinking about filling up a 200 gal smart pot. I'm talking out of my ass, too, as I have no idea how many bags of soil it takes to fill a 200 gal smart pot. :-D
I don't know how many bags lol, I buy my soil by yard (dumptruck).I know one 200gal smart pot equals 1 yard (:
Here is a good link for smart pot soil calculations:
I don't know how many bags lol, I buy my soil by yard (dumptruck).I know one 200gal smart pot equals 1 yard (:
Here is a good link for smart pot soil calculations:

Haha damn nice a yard is a even 200.

I'm pretty sure 1 bag is 10 gallons usually how I add it like when I did the 10 gallon bags for my autos the 1.5 cu fu bags atleast,
So I think about 20ish bags for a 200 gallon pot haha that's a lot if you buy it by the bag haha.

Did you say you used to do that before you got to buying by the yard.
I wish I had a yard where a truck could pull into I'm all fenced in.