I feel ya, I'm currently in the process of moving and the shit has consumed my time for the last week and still going. It's getting better though. Is it possible for you to stay in you apt for another month until you can find what you are looking for, especially since you've already paid?
Yea I am staying the only problem is so is HE, we lived together for the last 3 years of our 5 year relationship. So the tension and what not is insane and I just want to move
but I am having him move out at the end of the month because the lease is in my name only.
I'm working with my Landlord because he says I'm a good tenant and pay promptly, never been late.
He's letting me just stay on a month to month basis.So now I have to figure out how to grow here and what I can do to cool things off a bit, no room for a window AC, I'm in a
basement apt. tiny windows. So I'm thinking maybe a stand alone floor/room kinda of AC.I hadn't considered a stand alone unit, my gf suggested it.
So now I just have to afford one.
@iconoclast GL getting all your moving done and getting settled, I'm thinking I'll stay where I am til October, my flowers will be done and I will have saved up more $ to find a nice place
I'm going for a house this time, really tired of apartments. And why work all the time if I can't get what I need and want right?