Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
Just got a climax as a freebie and was wondering if it was worth growing out but looks like it is. I hope mine looks as good as yours when I get around to growing it. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Just got a climax as a freebie and was wondering if it was worth growing out but looks like it is. I hope mine looks as good as yours when I get around to growing it. :weed:
That's why I started the thread for people who may end up with the seed and know what their up against. I've kept a pretty decent log on the grow so you should be able to see what happens from beginning to end.

Be prepared though cause she stretches like a mofo so tie her down if space is an issue.

I'll have a decent smoke report coming soon. I have some air drying and then it will be going into the jar. I'll more than likely me doing a two part smoke report cause the majority of the plant is still up and growing.

So it will be a smoke report when harvested at 8 weeks and another when I pull the rest. More than likely gonna be 10 weeks so we will see what the difference is.


Well-Known Member
really hard to sex turkeys with out a some kind of medical scope
i have no idea the crude tests are like 80% accurate and they lead me to believe the bronze is a hen and the white palm is a tom but like i said its not 100%
you flip them over and the hens will pull both legs up and the males will pull up one its a natural defensive thing but supposed to be fairly accurate


Well-Known Member
the turkeys ill prolly butcher a tom if i get one for thanksgiving and keep a hen if they are both hens ill keep both of them
females take 3 years to really start laying . atleast thats what the breeder told me i havent researched it so i dunno
they are both pure bred so if i get some more from the hatchery i can breed em and sell em 1-2 week old poults go for 10 bucks a piece
i got these for 8 but she was just trying to get a even number since she didnt have no change all i had was a $100 and $30 she couldnt break the hundred so cut me a deal lol saved a whole 4 bucks >.<


Well-Known Member
drove a hour and a half to get these birds :D so a 3 hr round trip
but her birds hold ribbons so it was worth it IMO better then just buying some from commercial breeders i wanted something that was worth looking at
and still produces


Well-Known Member
the black and silver chicks
the black chicks
the yellow ones are called easter egger's they lay different color eggs one bird will be green or blue and could be brown or a yellow just depends
the yellow and black im not sure what they are gonna look like i know what they are but they were a accidental cross she had a frizzle that she didnt know was a rooster it looked like a hen and bred with some of her bantams before she caught it so no telling


Well-Known Member
its starting to look good
i think the mid that made it is a male just have a feeling its growing really slow it was kinda stunted to start with
i FIM'd alot of the larger ones i have some reacted by bushing some didnt im thinking the males dont like bushing
that mid has a purple stem :D
I would have to call it quits on that. :lol:
I don't have the patience for a plant with down syndrome. :mrgreen:

Started harvesting parts of my plant.