Best Nutrient Line???

It's not a chem taste it's just different compared to the taste other products leave. Everything is going to leave a taste no matter how much flushing you do. We are what we eat so to speak.

Drip clean by house and garden breaks down the salts in your grow medium preventing salt build up and leaving the finished product very clean and smooth. It is probably my favorite bottle.

Of course they are going to grow with just base nutes man! They will just grow better when incorporating beneficial bacteria. Whether these microbes are sourced from bottles or from AACT's they are a game changer.
good god, you flush also. Do you also defoliate?
lol, Hulk is on tv, "you wont like mick when hes angry". lighten up pissy pants, you use a bunch of worthless shit and dont know why, you get pissy when people try to help you, I get it. on top of that you flush, nothing more needs to be said. Hopefully Mr Estevez talks about flushing, its always pretty comical when he does. Im honestly amazed you dont use bud candy or sweet or whatever the fuck its called
lol, Hulk is on tv, "you wont like mick when hes angry". lighten up pissy pants, you use a bunch of worthless shit and dont know why, you get pissy when people try to help you, I get it. on top of that you flush, nothing more needs to be said. Hopefully Mr Estevez talks about flushing, its always pretty comical when he does. Im honestly amazed you dont use bud candy or sweet or whatever the fuck its called

Where did i say i flushed and what would you consider flushing?
lol, Hulk is on tv, "you wont like mick when hes angry". lighten up pissy pants, you use a bunch of worthless shit and dont know why, you get pissy when people try to help you, I get it. on top of that you flush, nothing more needs to be said. Hopefully Mr Estevez talks about flushing, its always pretty comical when he does. Im honestly amazed you dont use bud candy or sweet or whatever the fuck its called

Also i don't use bud candy because it has synthetic preservatives in it. Yeah I actually do know a thing or two about what I use, whats in it, and how it works....
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Oh you never sourced ppottasium

Also i don't use bud candy because it has synthetic preservatives in it. Yeah I actually do know a thing or two about what I use, whats in it, and how it works....
I never sourced potassium? huh?
Jbone your not trying to help anyone. You believe that going ultra cheap and simple is the best way and want to tear down others who don't think the same as you.
Jbone your not trying to help anyone. You believe that going ultra cheap and simple is the best way and want to tear down others who don't think the same as you.
go back to the 1st question you asked me, you said protekt gave you thicker stems but rhino skin was better for ph, I explained why, you didnt like the answer. go ahead and continue buying silicate additives, b vitamins, bloom boosters and flushing agents, I dont care, I tried to help you initially but you dont want to hear it, raw salts are inexpensive, not cheap, AN, GH, Dyna-gro, etc are all using the same salts to make silicate additives and "bloom boosters", I was trying to educate you a little bit and explain that cal/mag is just calcium nitrate, magnesium sulfate and unneeded iron, silicate additives are just potassium silicate, bloom booster are basically just monopotassium phosphate. I use bottled nutes, Lucas formula works, 3 parts work, ANs ph perfect works great, Dyna-gro grow/bloom works, I havent used foliage pro yet but hear its amazing, H&G works splendidly, but bottled additives arent needed.Utilize your base nutes and supplement with salts if needed, done
go back to the 1st question you asked me, you said protekt gave you thicker stems but rhino skin was better for ph, I explained why, you didnt like the answer. go ahead and continue buying silicate additives, b vitamins, bloom boosters and flushing agents, I dont care, I tried to help you initially but you dont want to hear it, raw salts are inexpensive, not cheap, AN, GH, Dyna-gro, etc are all using the same salts to make silicate additives and "bloom boosters", I was trying to educate you a little bit and explain that cal/mag is just calcium nitrate, magnesium sulfate and unneeded iron, silicate additives are just potassium silicate, bloom booster are basically just monopotassium phosphate. I use bottled nutes, Lucas formula works, 3 parts work, ANs ph perfect works great, Dyna-gro grow/bloom works, I havent used foliage pro yet but hear its amazing, H&G works splendidly, but bottled additives arent needed.Utilize your base nutes and supplement with salts if needed, done

GO CalMag is actually Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate. I try not to over do it on the CalNitrate because it isn't that friendly for microbe life. Dyna Gro foliage pro is good, but heavy 16's foliar is better. Yes i know that Dyna Gro foliage is actually a base but also makes a great foliar spray, and thats how it is usually used. I'm not knocking your methods. I did base only grows for the first two years I was growing Florida, but I personally get better results using my 20 products.

Also I didnt like your awnser becasue you logic was wrong, which is why i mentioned Armour SI, since it has a higher concentration of silicate.

If I was ever going to do a base only grow, it would probably be with H&G (Aqua Flakes, or coco for soil/inert medium) or Heavy 16.
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GO CalMag is actually Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate. I try not to over do it on the CalNitrate because it isn't that friendly for microbe life. Dyna Gro foliage pro is good, but heavy 16's foliar is better. Yes i know that Dyna Gro foliage is actually a base but also makes a great foliar spray, and thats how it is usually used. I'm not knocking your methods. I did base only grows for the first two years I was growing Florida, but I personally get better results using my 20 products.

Also I didnt like your awnser becasue you logic was wrong, which is why i mentioned Armour SI, since it has a higher concentration of silicate.
great, enjoy
Awesome thread!!!! This is a total thread where some one who was new could evaluate everything they read here and adjust and make a decision on what works for them and there style of growing.

It really is whatever works best for you and the goals and expectations of your garden. I'm sure everyone is growing great stuff, with the right genetics its kinda hard not to with the passionate people that clearly exist on this forum.
I do have one quick question thats been bothering me for years. So here it goes... If one is using chem nutrients or salt base nutrients whatever we want to call it, does adding a molasses or sweet do anything? Not sure if this is a stupid question, but I've aced myself sometimes "why r u adding this stuff?"