hiw old should your kids before its ok to smoke bud


Well-Known Member
I got three kids two girls nine and ten and my son who is turning seventeen in November.
I know he smokes but he thinks it's no big deal and I should act accordingly.
But I feel he's too young to just let it be run of the mill.
I smoke and he knows he's grown up with it around
But idk just wondering if anyone else is in or have been on this boat
Love to hear your thoughts
thanx in advance


Well-Known Member
Right. Starting to think I've created a monster
Always taught him if it grows out of the ground yada yada yada
But I don't want bud to be his life a lil young for that


Well-Known Member
Tell him he can smoke only at home, only friday and saturday night, only a limited small amount. Don't legalize, but regulate to keep some control. Research has shown cannabis IS bad for kids that age. But then again, I started at 16 and look at me bongsmilieo_Obongsmilie:eyesmoke::sleep::spew::cuss::joint::joint::bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Use it as a bonding/teaching experience. Offer to share your own stash with him (keep it locked up just so he doesn't pinch it when you're not around) and only let him smoke after the two of you have done something productive together. Yard work, chores, working on the car, homework, etc. Get it in his head that it's to be enjoyed in moderation and that there are priorities to be taken care of before toking up.

Try to keep him away from finding his own dealer for the time being, and when he's old enough or mature enough to handle it offer guidance when finding a hookup. What to look for when buying, how to know you can trust the guy, desecration so he doesn't get busted.

Most importantly lead a good example for him to follow.

Best of luck mate.


Well-Known Member
Our son grew up with us smoking pot, he hated the smell and thought his dad and I, derelicts. He has never smoked anything and rarely drinks. He's as straight as it gets..I can't believe this is my kid. :-D


Well-Known Member
Interesting topic and one I will have to deal with in about 12/13 years.

The thing is at that age, you ain't gonna tell them they can't do it, they'll do it anyway.. i should know


Cannabis has been shown to disrupt a young, developing brain and these are the ages where your brain is still developing. I actually belive this theory, because I played guitar a lot back then, i mean it was my life and I was almost playing satriani etc at 16..but I hit a wall, I just could not comprehend some of the harder solos transcriptions, despite having the technical ability.. well now in my late 20's I absolutley can understand those licks that I couldn't before, I can learn and remember them now In a way i couldn't when I was playing 10 hours a day. Now my problem is I get about 10 hours a week to play.. but you get my point.. i think the weed was fucking my shit up back then.

but back to topic, yeah, at about 13 you can forget about laying down rules about that sort of thing..we found a way .. so will our kids.


Well-Known Member
I have no kids, though if i had kids id prefer they got stoned than got drunk. I trully think the harm done by alcohol in a still developing body is far worse than whatever harm cannabis might cause. Id grow like some thai or laotian strain and pick it a bit too late as a first strain. Id say like 15 or 16 before kids get heavy into drinking so that there is something more exciting to do than drinking. Also if you get your kids to become cannabis lovers from a young age they will much less likely be ino lacohol which is an awful drug to abuse.
Just my opinion... thouhg i have no kids o dont listen to me too much.


Well-Known Member
Our son grew up with us smoking pot, he hated the smell and thought his dad and I, derelicts. He has never smoked anything and rarely drinks. He's as straight as it gets..I can't believe this is my kid. :-D

haha I still can't stand the smell of weed. My dad started smoking openly when I was 18ish. I would tie a bandana around my nose and mouth so I wouldn't have to smell it. Because of that I swore I'd never toke, and even saw it as a hardcore drug for a few years. Then about 21 I smoked for the first time and my thoughts change. Easy to put up with the smell then.


Well-Known Member
I got three kids two girls nine and ten and my son who is turning seventeen in November.
I know he smokes but he thinks it's no big deal and I should act accordingly.
But I feel he's too young to just let it be run of the mill.
I smoke and he knows he's grown up with it around
But idk just wondering if anyone else is in or have been on this boat
Love to hear your thoughts
thanx in advance
Cannabis has some serious effects on the adolescent brain, just take a look around here ....lol, if you can handle your child's risked side effects, let let the child blaze, otherwise as per many parents whip the fuck outta him, should the child(under 18 ) continue, sign him/her up to the marine corps, either way kicking the child outta the house does work
good luck


Well-Known Member
Cannabis has some serious effects on the adolescent brain, just take a look around here ....lol, if you can handle your child's risked side effects, let let the child blaze, otherwise as per many parents whip the fuck outta him, should the child(under 18 ) continue, sign him/her up to the marine corps, either way kicking the child outta the house does work
good luck

Probably no worse than the prescription swill Big Pharma pushes on these young minds. Profits over ethics for the win, Alex.
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bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea man the MJ is the least of your worries. Just make sure he understands how serious the hardcore drugs can be. I knew a lot of privileged kids in HS who went down the wrong path because of ignorance and money to blow. Not everyone gets to see what years of drug abuse can do...Ive always had a theory, if you lump pot in a category with all other drugs (saying its just as bad) kids are more likely to try the harder stuff because "pots not as bad as they said, painkillers must be sweet too"


Well-Known Member
Wow thanx for the responses glad to see you can throw out something thats on your plate to get other peeps prospective.
Me and his mom smoke butts as well and he stays clear of that shit so he does have sum sense
Just like to see him put a lil more into school work and maybe getting a part time gig rather than dedicating all his time getting ripped
With all the kids taking adderal like tic tacs
Dropin pain meds
Things could be worse fo sho
But just concerned is all
Thanx again for the insite good looks