Autoflower AK47 -- 1st Grow by myself


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,

Before I get started in sharing my grow, I want to say that I am new at growing and this is the first one i've done by myself. I have grown with my friend and brother before and grew some decent lowryder 1 and 2 but this one im expecting a lot more, and im getting no other help.

I am a new member to this site and I wanted to show off my babies, and when i say babies, i mean it because they are just sprouting. Right now my grow is looking like this:

9 Auto AK47 Seeds - 5 seeds germinated in paper towel for two days, 4 seeds germinated in paper towel for one day. I got them from and it said to just place them in soil right away but i decided to put them in paper towel for a little bit.

They are being grown in a cabinet indoors that is roughly 36" by 28" by 30".

7 of the seeds are in 3.5 liter pots. The other two are in 5 gallon pots.

The lights I am using are 7 florescent lights with a combined wattage of 280 Watts. I am using these for the veg state then im going to switch to a 1000 Watt HPS light in a couple weeks for flowering.

Currently the seeds are sprouting, they are into their third day, sorry no pictures, with most of the husks still attached. Right now 8 of the seeds have sprouted and are looking good.

I put water in a 20 oz. bottle and filled it about halfway, mixed in sugar and yeast to make some CO2 and put that in the middle of the plants.

I am watering a little bit everyday, spraying here and there, but not going overboard. Im using water thats been sitting in a milk jug for a couple days so its not going right from the tap to my sprouts.

Other than that, I will keep posting every little while, and hope I can get some pictures up. I know its not the most interesting thread right now, but in two weeks it will be sweet.:mrgreen:

By the way, feel free to comment or ask questions. Im sure i'll be asking some myself.
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Well-Known Member
Sweet man , i've never tried Auto AK47 or Auto Hindu-Kush. I've heard they're great smoke. Are you gonna post your grow?


Well-Known Member
My grow is doing nicely just to let you know and ive been giving them some molasses to make them grow big. I've got some pictures and they are a little old but they are pictures nonetheless.
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Well-Known Member
They are getting bigger now and three of them are getting taller and bigger leaves. This is pretty cool. I gave them a little more molasses last night in the water and hopefully that helps. Has anybody had experience with molasses? Im getting these pictures up soon.


Well-Known Member
Here are pics from the end of the first week, start of the second having a hard time as they started at the 9th but they had light on for first 2 days so i wasnt sure if i dont count those days or not. If you do, then they are around 9 or 10 days old. How do they look? I would appreciate comments. By the way, the dates on the pictures are way off dont even pay attention to that.


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Well-Known Member
Im subscribed......curious about this strain. They are looking just fine, I wouldnt give them any nutes though till the 3rd week.


Well-Known Member
Well they are getting some very natural nutes, molasses....why shouldn't i give them any till week 3 though? I was thinking after two weeks I would.


Well-Known Member
And I say that because young plants can be burned easily. However, If the plant is growing strong and healthy you can start a little earlier. Just introduce the nutes slowly and youll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Anybody care to share how they think they look? I'm afraid they look small or something...they are around 10 days old. I've been giving them molasses with every watering for the last 4 or 5 days. Any suggestions? Any help or comments would be appreciated.



Active Member
they look a little burned or like they need more water (idk someone else will tho)

im suscribing... i was gonna be growing auto ak too... but they never came:evil:


Well-Known Member
I think their lookn fine, I cant see any discoloration in the pics. As far as growth they are about where they should be for 10 days old. Ill upload some pics of mine when they were at 10 days so you can compare. Keep doing what your doing for now, like I said, lookn good.