shade cloth question please

cat torian

hi. I'm in fresno ca and it's like 103 outside where my girls are. Would getting shade cloth help and will they grow under it? They are on my patio and it gets super hot out there. I know at about 100 they stop growing and are just trying to survive. Don't have any direct morning sun just the hot hot hot afternoon torcherer sun. There is a 700 to 1000watts I'm registering just under the cloth I have up now. My thought is they need photosynthesis to grow but man..I can already see it's bad juju sun, too hot. I've got a fan on out there and I'm constantly watering the cement to cool it down out there. Any Tricks? Anyone? I'm new to this area so anyone know what's up, I'm all ears. Thx ahead of time. ;)

cat torian

cool. I have two planted in a kinda a thing like a dutch pot then a big girl in a regular barrel type pot. She is on the ground so I'm gonna hope my friend comes by to help me get it off the ground. thx ;0


Well-Known Member
Hang a little tan shade cloth over them if you worried about the heat. But the plants can take the heat, it's the roots you need to keep cool. Shade your plants or at least the pots with shade cloth & you'll be fine. I'm in Sac & we get the same 100* days you do, & that's what I use. Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
Never set any pots on pavement. Drastic heat or cold can stress the plants out by shocking the roots. Mulch helps big time. Earth worm castings or compost as mulch both work great. I have been growing under shade cloth since april. I just switched back to plastic as of recent. Established cannabis plants will handle fresno heat depending on strain. The seedlings and newly rooted clones need to be started under shade cloth or they will get their roots cooked and growth stunted. Once well established they will hndle the heat andlove it. Just mulch or shade the pots.


Well-Known Member
My greenhouses are packed with foliage and reaching temps of 130+. I believe they actually prefer the heat, as long as the roots are cool. When I planted them in April I mulched them heavily(6"+). Worms have pretty much eaten all the mulch, but the plants now put the soil in black shade.

Cannabis has been successfully grown and bred in some of the hottest inhabited places on earth. I don't think my greenhouses could be harsher than the Kalahari Desert.

Consider getting a can of flat white latex paint and turning your pots white. This will cut way down on heat absorption. A layer of fluffy mulch(grassclippings are my favorite) on the soil surface will help retain water and keep the soil cool as well.

Pot doesn't thrive on concrete. I've never done it, but friends that have, experienced a serious reduction in production. If you have no choice, try a thick layer of compost under the pot. A foot wouldn't be too mulch. Plastic on the concrete would help avoid staining.