Mississippi Republican primary


Well-Known Member
Red... Nothing will ever be transperant the more you dwell on it the angrier you will get republican or democrat....SouthPark has a good episode called Douchebag or Turd sandwhich....It makes fun of the whole procedure and is probably the closest to Reality you will ever see.....Transparency??? SHOW ME ONE SINGLE TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION
Jimmie Carter's


Well-Known Member
Remember the "investigator" Holder appointed to look into the IRS scandal? No? Maybe because we haven't heard a single word from him? This is the "transparent" administration we were promised.
how come you're not pissed at issa for refusing to release the full transcripts that showed that this was all started by a "conservative republican" at the IRS?

how come you're not praising elijah cummings for being transparent and releasing the full transcripts that showed this was not only started by a conservative republican, but that progressive groups were also targeted and denied?

i think i know why. issa:

melanin levels OK.


melanin levels lead to inclination to criminality.

that's why red is being such a fungusy twat.


Well-Known Member
Why LMAO? I know he was a total failure, but at least he didn't lie to us. Well, maybe he did, I was a child then, and wouldn't have paid any attention. I was under the impression he was honest, but inept.


Well-Known Member
Why LMAO? I know he was a total failure, but at least he didn't lie to us. Well, maybe he did, I was a child then, and wouldn't have paid any attention. I was under the impression he was honest, but inept.
Red an Honest politician?...."You show me a corrupt Politician and I'll show you a wealthy business man behind him" Red I'm LMAO because there is no such thing...Rep. or Demo.....It does not exist....And for the history of DEMOCRATIC governments the other party will always overexagerate and distort every situation they can to make the other look worse....IN THE END no democracy has ever succeeded...PERIOD And its for these very reasons that people debate everyday....PLATO says it best"The measure of a man is in what he does with POWER"....POWER is all either party cares about History tells you how it plays out .....The wealthy become wealthier on the backs of the impoverished.....The honest working man struggles to make ends meet and why? Because the wealthy dont want to see there MARGINS decrease By paying more....i say why should the wealthy have while others starve? And I mean worlwide included 5% of Carl Icahn net worth is enough to solve ALL OF AFRICAS AND AMERICAS problems....Yet the man does nothing why? Why doesnt congress inact something?Wait they have the wealthy just run the world and payoff the politicians ,,,,,In a NUTSHELL there will always be another Voter fraud case in a state we will probably here about investigations in 10 other states before its over with ....and TRANSPARENCY I see no difference in this admin...and the one that proceeded it and others before and so on


Well-Known Member
You haven't given me any examples of Carter lying, just an anti-whatever tirade. You make blanket statements that may be true in some cases and not in others. You can't tar everyone with the same brush. If you can see no differences, then you are not looking, just letting your preconceived prejudices blind you.


Well-Known Member
- He invited Robert Mugabe to the White House in 1980 and fully supported this dictator's rise to power in Rhodesia

- The Iran hostage crisis occurred under Jimmy Carter's watch

- Jimmy Carter went to North Korea and brokered a deal with Kim Jung Il that was supposed to keep that rogue state from attaining nuclear weapons. Jimmy's "negotiation" called for the United States to provide the North Koreans with $4 billion worth of light water reactors and $100 million in oil in exchange for a promise not to develop weapons plus assurances that inspectors would be allowed in. On Aug. 28, 2003 North Korea announced that it possessed nuclear weapons.

- He failed to protect the Shah and to his fault the radical Muslim cleric Ayatollah Khomeini rose to power

- He's failed Operation Eagle Claw which caused the deaths of eight American servicemen.
  • None of which were TRANSPARENT situations


Well-Known Member
You haven't given me any examples of Carter lying, just an anti-whatever tirade. You make blanket statements that may be true in some cases and not in others. You can't tar everyone with the same brush. If you can see no differences, then you are not looking, just letting your preconceived prejudices blind you.
What part of what I said was prejudiced? Im pretty sure I have been pretty neutral and theres plenty more where that came from on carter BTW.....I may not Be from 1966 But I have educated myself RED


Well-Known Member
- He invited Robert Mugabe to the White House in 1980 and fully supported this dictator's rise to power in Rhodesia

- The Iran hostage crisis occurred under Jimmy Carter's watch

- Jimmy Carter went to North Korea and brokered a deal with Kim Jung Il that was supposed to keep that rogue state from attaining nuclear weapons. Jimmy's "negotiation" called for the United States to provide the North Koreans with $4 billion worth of light water reactors and $100 million in oil in exchange for a promise not to develop weapons plus assurances that inspectors would be allowed in. On Aug. 28, 2003 North Korea announced that it possessed nuclear weapons.

- He failed to protect the Shah and to his fault the radical Muslim cleric Ayatollah Khomeini rose to power

- He's failed Operation Eagle Claw which caused the deaths of eight American servicemen.
  • None of which were TRANSPARENT situations
None of them were lies, just ineptness. They were completely transparent, but stupid. I know Carter was an idiot. He's still an idiot, after all these years, because he still thinks he knows better than those who came after him. He's so stupid, he doesn't know how stupid he is. But he didn't lie to us. None of your statements, even tho I agree with them, support your argument that no administration has been transparent. You have been indoctrinated into some theology, and you distort reality to fit that theology, then pretends it supports that theology. Just as you claim "the feeelty rich" can cure all man's problems if only they would just "share". This has been tried and tried again. It always ends up in one of two ways. Since no one can keep the fruits of their labor, no one labors, and we all starve. Or, since no one can keep the fruits of their labor, no one labors, and some tyrant enslaves them and forces them to work, "for the common good", but mostly for the tyrant and his cronies. Every generation comes along and a sizable portion fall for this same lunacy, because they put ideology before reality, and accuse those who know differently of some evil "ism".


Well-Known Member
What part of what I said was prejudiced? Im pretty sure I have been pretty neutral and theres plenty more where that came from on carter BTW.....I may not Be from 1966 But I have educated myself RED
Everything. "Prejudiced" means "prejudged" not "biased". I'm not defending Carters really bad decisions. And I mean REALLY bad decisions. This whole mess in the middle east can be laid at his feet. But he wasn't dishonest with us. He told us what he was doing, and why he was doing it. He was truly transparent. But wrong.


Well-Known Member
None of them were lies, just ineptness. They were completely transparent, but stupid. I know Carter was an idiot. He's still an idiot, after all these years, because he still thinks he knows better than those who came after him. He's so stupid, he doesn't know how stupid he is. But he didn't lie to us. None of your statements, even tho I agree with them, support your argument that no administration has been transparent. You have been indoctrinated into some theology, and you distort reality to fit that theology, then pretends it supports that theology. Just as you claim "the feeelty rich" can cure all man's problems if only they would just "share". This has been tried and tried again. It always ends up in one of two ways. Since no one can keep the fruits of their labor, no one labors, and we all starve. Or, since no one can keep the fruits of their labor, no one labors, and some tyrant enslaves them and forces them to work, "for the common good", but mostly for the tyrant and his cronies. Every generation comes along and a sizable portion fall for this same lunacy, because they put ideology before reality, and accuse those who know differently of some evil "ism".
Come on man ..ROFLMFAO....There's no theology to it what are facts are facts ...And events created in this world are far beyond either of us....If you are brainwashed into thinking the wealthy could not solve the problems then so be it...but I bend nothing my puzzle peice fit brother just perfectly you better begin to wonder if its yours that are a little distorted?The world could control tyrants if it so chose to, same thing with controlling the wealthy they have checks and balances for it if they weren't already paid for by who???The wealthy.... EVERYTHING I have quoted is reality so quote the parts that aren't....You can call it what you want red ....but it is the way it is


Well-Known Member
you really shouldn't bother with red. he contradicts himself as much as he contradicts reality. he can't tell if he's coming or going, and he's really bitter.

also has the blood of two families on his hands.


Well-Known Member
you really shouldn't bother with red. he contradicts himself as much as he contradicts reality. he can't tell if he's coming or going, and he's really bitter.

also has the blood of two families on his hands.
Whos the hot chick in your profile pick?LMAO


Well-Known Member
Come on man ..ROFLMFAO....There's no theology to it what are facts are facts ...And events created in this world are far beyond either of us....If you are brainwashed into thinking the wealthy could not solve the problems then so be it...but I bend nothing my puzzle peice fit brother just perfectly you better begin to wonder if its yours that are a little distorted?The world could control tyrants if it so chose to, same thing with controlling the wealthy they have checks and balances for it if they weren't already paid for by who???The wealthy.... EVERYTHING I have quoted is reality so quote the parts that aren't....You can call it what you want red ....but it is the way it is
You stated some facts, true enough. But you still bend them to fit. If the world could control tyrants, they would have. I'm wasting my time with you. You can not see through your prejudice. You can not see your prejudice even. I wish you well sir. Just don't be like Carter and be too stubborn to re-examine your ideas. I once believed just as you do.


Well-Known Member
You stated some facts, true enough. But you still bend them to fit. If the world could control tyrants, they would have. I'm wasting my time with you. You can not see through your prejudice. You can not see your prejudice even. I wish you well sir. Just don't be like Carter and be too stubborn to re-examine your ideas. I once believed just as you do.
Red ..Have you ever read the Tri-Lateral Commision? It's from your time I believe.....I believe Tyrants have there place as I also believe many politicians to be tyrants? Maybe, just in another sense RED? But I will asure you I have no Prejudice and am open to different views and facts to form my own conclusions.......And if it helps you sleep well I am constantly in a state of re-examination But until proven otherwise I am happy to believe as I do...


Well-Known Member
Red ..Have you ever read the Tri-Lateral Commision? It's from your time I believe.....I believe Tyrants have there place as I also believe many politicians to be tyrants? Maybe, just in another sense RED? But I will asure you I have no Prejudice and am open to different views and facts to form my own conclusions.......And if it helps you sleep well I am constantly in a state of re-examination But until proven otherwise I am happy to believe as I do...
'It's from your time I believe....." This is an example of your prejudice. You have no idea of my age, yet you assume you do. Hint: 1966 isn't the year of my birth.