Mississippi Republican primary

'It's from your time I believe....." This is an example of your prejudice. You have no idea of my age, yet you assume you do. Hint: 1966 isn't the year of my birth.
Okay I can bite that one much apologies RED....But not the others Im subject to just as much, But no greater then as much prejudice thinkin as yourself Good sir:clap:
'It's from your time I believe....." This is an example of your prejudice. You have no idea of my age, yet you assume you do. Hint: 1966 isn't the year of my birth.

you killed your second family in 1982, so definitely a bit before 1966.
Okay I can bite that one much apologies RED....But not the others Im subject to just as much, But no greater then as much prejudice thinkin as yourself Good sir:clap:

you don't want to know the depths of red's "prejudice".

if you do, i have some hilarious quotes from him to demonstrate how racist he is.
Well, at least you found you can be wrong when you assume things that aren't there. Just examine your assumptions is all I can ask.
Well, at least you found you can be wrong when you assume things that aren't there. Just examine your assumptions is all I can ask.

red, you are the last person here to be preaching to people, so shut your stupid mouth already.
- He invited Robert Mugabe to the White House in 1980 and fully supported this dictator's rise to power in Rhodesia

- The Iran hostage crisis occurred under Jimmy Carter's watch

- Jimmy Carter went to North Korea and brokered a deal with Kim Jung Il that was supposed to keep that rogue state from attaining nuclear weapons. Jimmy's "negotiation" called for the United States to provide the North Koreans with $4 billion worth of light water reactors and $100 million in oil in exchange for a promise not to develop weapons plus assurances that inspectors would be allowed in. On Aug. 28, 2003 North Korea announced that it possessed nuclear weapons.

- He failed to protect the Shah and to his fault the radical Muslim cleric Ayatollah Khomeini rose to power

- He's failed Operation Eagle Claw which caused the deaths of eight American servicemen.
  • None of which were TRANSPARENT situations
LOL........go back further in Iran. say....oh, I don't know.....1953?? 600k dead Iranians, at the hands of an American puppet; I think that's what led to the 1979 incident.
LOL........go back further in Iran. say....oh, I don't know.....1953?? 600k dead Iranians, at the hands of an American puppet; I think that's what led to the 1979 incident.
Nope. The Shah had firm control until Carter abandoned him. The religious lunatics had no hand in it? How many have the Mullahs have killed? millions? Half the population are virtually slaves now. Non Shia were slaughtered in mass or driven out. 600k sounds a little high. even if true, they needed killing anyway. They were happy to die and get their 72 virgins anyway.
they needed killing anyway

Nope. The Shah had firm control until Carter abandoned him. The religious lunatics had no hand in it? How many have the Mullahs have killed? millions? Half the population are virtually slaves now. Non Shia were slaughtered in mass or driven out. 600k sounds a little high. even if true, they needed killing anyway. They were happy to die and get their 72 virgins anyway.

no. intellectuals, Bahai, communists, and others. 600k sounds "a little high?" 6 is too high. the US overthrew a democratic government to install a murderer.

and.......you'd be happy to join your dead rabbi, right? I can't wait until this evil empire falls. maybe I can throw you in a Savak prison, and nail your scrotum to a chair. people like you need killin.' right?

Death to America!
I have no dead rabbi. I am neither Jewish nor Christian. See what happens when you assume things, not because of evidence, but because you have to distort reality to make it fit your view? I doubted the accuracy of your number, not debating the morality of it. An Islamic theocracy is nothing like a democratic government. Note they now behead intellectuals, Bahai, communists, and others.
I have no dead rabbi. I am neither Jewish nor Christian. See what happens when you assume things, not because of evidence, but because you have to distort reality to make it fit your view? I doubted the accuracy of your number, not debating the morality of it. An Islamic theocracy is nothing like a democratic government. Note they now behead intellectuals, Bahai, communists, and others.

distorted reality....lol. suck a dick, you fuckin' bullshitter, you. you're not debating? sure ya are.
and morality? you have none. the Shah was a Hitler, to his people, and we helped, but you're okay with that.
distorted reality....lol. suck a dick, you fuckin' bullshitter, you. you're not debating? sure ya are.
and morality? you have none. the Shah was a Hitler, to his people, and we helped, but you're okay with that.
Gee, you went and got all "intellectual' on me. Look dumb ass, numbers don't have morality. So how would I debate that? If you read my post instead of thinking this was just another opportunity for you to go off on another anti-America rant, you would have realized I said your numbers were suspect. The people of Iran were more free under the Shah than they are now. Daily beheadings and stonings are the norm now. But you seem fine with that. The Shah was a Hitler to the Islamists, and we helped, but I'm okay with that. Maybe the mullahs can find room for you. Nah, they want men who will fight, not wimps who pretend to be bad asses in the internet. They'd probably behead you just for your foul mouth anyway.
Gee, you went and got all "intellectual' on me. Look dumb ass, numbers don't have morality. So how would I debate that? If you read my post instead of thinking this was just another opportunity for you to go off on another anti-America rant, you would have realized I said your numbers were suspect. The people of Iran were more free under the Shah than they are now. Daily beheadings and stonings are the norm now. But you seem fine with that. The Shah was a Hitler to the Islamists, and we helped, but I'm okay with that. Maybe the mullahs can find room for you. Nah, they want men who will fight, not wimps who pretend to be bad asses in the internet. They'd probably behead you just for your foul mouth anyway.
Not to chime in or anything but besides the OIL in both countries why is all everybody ever talking about iraq and iran?(Look theres that word oil) How about Syria and the mass genocides carried out by Bashad al-assad? I love how the media censors america All the mass murders of children in Syria and you barely get an audible peep ....But Look ISIS has one of Cheney's refineries and the republicans want war? Those people have been offing each other for thousands of years.....Believe it or not and many people may not like it but maybe Hussein had it a little figured out? Even given the chance at having freedom the people are not civilised enough to truly make a run at it because as a population they have no backbone
Gee, you went and got all "intellectual' on me. Look dumb ass, numbers don't have morality. So how would I debate that? If you read my post instead of thinking this was just another opportunity for you to go off on another anti-America rant, you would have realized I said your numbers were suspect. The people of Iran were more free under the Shah than they are now. Daily beheadings and stonings are the norm now. But you seem fine with that. The Shah was a Hitler to the Islamists, and we helped, but I'm okay with that. Maybe the mullahs can find room for you. Nah, they want men who will fight, not wimps who pretend to be bad asses in the internet. They'd probably behead you just for your foul mouth anyway.
fascist iggied.
Not to chime in or anything but besides the OIL in both countries why is all everybody ever talking about iraq and iran?(Look theres that word oil) How about Syria and the mass genocides carried out by Bashad al-assad? I love how the media censors america All the mass murders of children in Syria and you barely get an audible peep ....But Look ISIS has one of Cheney's refineries and the republicans want war? Those people have been offing each other for thousands of years.....Believe it or not and many people may not like it but maybe Hussein had it a little figured out? Even given the chance at having freedom the people are not civilised enough to truly make a run at it because as a population they have no backbone

The left has accused Republicans of going to war for oil for decades now. You would think if it was true the Republicans would be smart enough to take the oil but it never happens.

Maybe the accusation is bullshit??
only one party, one agenda. Neoconism.

set up power bases in Oil-Land, isolate/neutralize Russia, get ready for the confrontation with the PRC. make the world British.....I mean American.

neocon flag.jpg