Gage Green Group Info Thread

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hamish laid it down for any future trolls! im fucking dying over here.... good post MH. almost makes me want to nitpick n troll you some, but i see you got plenty troll to feed! well said , here :joint: hit that, like u im here for WEED! and the occasional trolling...
Lmao all this fuckery..I just wanna know if anyone's tried the bastard series and if they found any gems in the mix.

Last little few points to any person feeling lonely enough to make coming after me their sole source of joy:

1- I do not live in a bubble. The cuts I run are not my only cannabis experience. If you want to take my words to argue against, please bear this in mind.
2- I have been toking reefer since the moment I open my eyes to the moment I fall asleep since I was 15 years old. That is two decades of severely heavy use with a month break per year. If I fudge the odd detail, like Tahoe cut v/s CC's Tahoe, Forum Cut vs Thin Mint vs SinMint vs GSC, blah blah blah, sue me. I am going to go out on a limb here and say this kind of thing has been known to happen with heavy cannabis users.
3- I do not move in YOUR circles, do not live by your definitions, and unless a common ground is found, do NOT understand WTF you are on about. Seriously.
4- I am here for one thing and one thing only, WEED. I will argue with you, talk to you, listen to you, bait you out, blah blah blah, as long as I respect you as a grower. This includes even old Amos. I will not waste my time on somebody that doesn't actually grow fire, or is actively attempting to. I take the piss with him sure, but he is a good grower, that is why it is worth my time doing so.
5-I consider those that strive for higher standards my peers. Whether I agree with them or not. I have a lot to learn from them. If you show me this kind of character, go ahead, abuse me no problem. But if you don't show me the DANK, please, take it to Facebook.

6-MOST IMPORTANTLY: Me and Genuity are not trained public relations personnel. We are not certified to deal with the public. We are not being paid, we are volunteering a service. As such, we will do our best to be courteous as far as possible, seeing as we can but show the plants we grew and relay information we got. We do this because we are grateful for the free dank. YES. WE GET FREE DANK. But we are not just taking it and running. We are grateful, and we are trying to put something back.

BUT, just because I am trying to keep my best foot forward, does not mean that foot isn't dressed in steel-toed work boots...

Carry on. As long as it is about weed. Gage, CC, cuts, OG, I don't care. WEED. The rest is what Facebook is for. I think we can all kinda agree on that by now.
If it makes you feel better I've changed my opinion on something before :o...I must lack integrity too :roll: Let that guy go back to FB - not worth your time Sir Hammage.

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Ah yes, i'm about to sit down for a serious sandwich aswell.

Holy crap. Please tell me that is Photoshop.
Lmao all this fuckery..I just wanna know if anyone's tried the bastard series and if they found any gems in the mix.

If it makes you feel better I've changed my opinion on something before :o...I must lack integrity too :roll: Let that guy go back to FB - not worth your time Sir Hammage.


ROFL... The Afghani Bastards are probably the best deal out there. Have a look at what they did for cb420, mine were outside and got INSANE...

Mad Hamish is the oldest member of the Silver Horde. He lives in a wheelchair with terrifying spikes and has a horned helm. He is usually draped under layers of fur blankets, but underneath all the fur he has swords and other favorite weapons for the barbarian heroes. Favorite phrase: "Whut? Whut?" He is very deaf. He also tends to talk in a sort of old dialect. He is also known to have once been married to Pamdar the Witch Queen (who now runs Pam's Pantry).

Hamish has, apparently, been where the sun don't shine (no, even though he was married to a witch, not the funnily named place in Lancre). During his life, he took part in many battles, usually on the side of "being paid money to fight". He once ate legs during a siege. Despite the fact that he lives in a wheelchair and spends most of his time napping, Hamish has threatened to "knock any man doon as tells me a'm dead!" and seems quite capable of carrying out the threat. Waking him up from one of his naps makes him grouchy, and is therefore to be avoided.

Went with Cohen and the others to Dunmanifestin, home of the Gods to return fire to them in the shape of a bloody big bomb. Presumed dead when they created a sizable crater following a glory-charge to right their misdeeds. Although, seeing as they hijacked some horses off a bunch of Valkyries and escaped into the air, are they alive, dead or in-between? No-one knows, but Mad Hamish still swears he'll kill anyone as tells him he's dead. While the Uncertainty Principle forbids any definitive statement as to whether or not the Silver Horde are now collectively deceased, observant readers of The Last Hero will note that Hamish, at this point, not only gets out of his wheelchair unaided, he is suddenly capable of mounting and riding a horse, leaving the wreck of the chair behind for Evil Lord Harry and the minstrel to find, as a thing no longer required. As certain conventions must be followed re: wheeled carriages at times of death and destruction, a single wheel is still forlornly spinning on its axle..."
ROFL... The Afghani Bastards are probably the best deal out there. Have a look at what they did for cb420, mine were outside and got INSANE... bastards&start=180

I think I'm gonna run these when I clear up some space. Probably just get 1 pack of each of the 3 available "Bastards" on the 'tude. Bound to get something good out of 36 beans. Every one of their strains makes my mouth water so I figure the variety in the bastard series' would be my best bet - plus it'll make for a helluva Maury episode: "Joseph - you are not the father of this flower" Thx for the link.
Good news for some, I am going to be REALLY scarce around here for a while. I have volunteered my time helping out in a bit of a different manner. I will be putting together some well detailed info packs to hand to testers and use as reference for any questions fellas might have about Gage gear.

Some very interesting concepts are on the table...

Till later, keep it DANK :)
I have volunteered my time helping out in a bit of a different manner. I will be putting together some well detailed info packs to hand to testers and use as reference for any questions fellas might have about Gage gear.

Understood. It's hard to imagine how you'd have any spare time left to post online.

Also, good news on the new gig. After the fallout on the Bodhi thread, it's good to know no one at GGG was pissed.
id say someone was pissed, enough to yank mh off the boards. i remember the time i was assigned to make info packets, they said i was wheeling the patients around too fast and im too aggressive at that job, here staple paper all day. man i hated comm service!

and the whole thing about " dont breed with my genetics" makes me sick! did jojorizo not want people to breed with his gems?
lemon puff,had 2 of these beans left,and got 1 female & one male.

time to make some f2 beans.
this female is already on point.

& her bro is not looking to shabby so far,lots of creamy sour lemon scents come from him

pk/heirloom og x gsog
got a few females of these,this is the only one i did not top.
this just may add the power stone i was looking for when i got my first gsog beans...

Fortune Teller
i just stressed my gage plants with high heat this time. while the mendodawg loved it, the banana puff came out so fluffy. flav suffered bad. shes been dry and curing few days. shes flushed real good. but has this grassy flavor. see how she cures out..

mendodawgs temps were 73 night and up too 100 on chop day. density held up and pretty on the inside like all women...171.JPG 172.JPG 174.JPG 177.JPG
I see people complain about that grassy effect all the time.. First thing i ask is room temp.. Over drying and hot rooms, two most common beginner mistakes, i think anyway.. and they both cause that smell. once you have that from either of those problems it will never go away and potency really suffers :/
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