Defoliation. A Controversial Technique.


Well-Known Member
I has 2 Barney's farm liberty hazes both 9-11 week beauuttys . I defoilated 1 and left one untouched . Both same height same nutes same light . Defoilated week 2 flower . 272 grams wet on the non defoilated one . The defoilated weighed 342 grams wet . Smaller cola much bigger buds throughout the whole plant . The pop corn was no longer popcorn and a lot less trimming at the end . Just like every strain doesn't like to be topped not every one will like to be defoilated .
I am just new to posting things to this site .... So you can either disregard what i say or take it on board , either way , iam not to worried . I think there are pros and cons of both defoliating and not defoliating. I have predominantly grown indoors throughout my 15 years of growing up until 8 months ago i had never heard of defoliation. But as soon as i did , i gave it a try ... and i must admit , yes it does make your bottom buds tighter and more mature , on the other hand it does make your leaders reduce in size some what , i havent found that it has any affect on the quality at all. at the end of the day which ever method you choose given that you feed , ventilate and keep them damn mites at bay , the only difference is bud size , yield from what i have found is pretty much identical , all you are doing is shifting the growth from what you would have had at the top of the plant to further down your plant . So in my opinion , just go with whatever method you like , its all a learning curve .
People that have tried it and have real input, yay, not just people that say "well that's a stupid idea".


Well-Known Member
Haha . He means don't knock it til you try it . Of course it bends the rules of plants . But then again , if we never experiment , we never learn right . Trial and error . Try it on 6 plants . Indica , sativa and hybrids . You I'll achieve different results for each . Do 1 defoliation one non defoilated , of all 3 I mentioned . Or should I put together a test . ??? And show everyone on icmag RIU etc . I agree with miccyj . If your going to doubt it from the get go without trying it yourself . Then people do not need to post . Obviously they can bust open botany books and tell me a million reasons not to . I get it . But my liberty hazes gave me 10 million to keep on experimenting . So yes , I'll scuffle , and I'll be right behind miccyj.
Your wanting a scuffle?