black men are being raised up into sociopathy, by single women, 16 years their senior, with no male figure to learn empathy from anywhere around, other than "dude from the el" who will be around for a while, since he has planted your half-sibling, in the Queen. these women beat their sons, and act aggressively with these boys at a higher rate than other groups, which correlates to high levels of criminality, and incarceration.
children learn empathy from men
beating and berating children creates sociopaths
make all the guns in the world evaporate, and these young men will murder each other, and others. if they have to use their bare hands. and Uncle makes it easy for women to get money for these kids, again freeing the black family of its men, builds more prisons, and carries out endless wars. Obama lauds the "good old days" when not only could you beat your child, but even your neighbor's child. not one citation. nothing. you seem emotionally involved in this issue. seek the truth.