What Are You Wearing??

ive been wearing just splain black cotton shorts, no sockd or underwear nor tshirt about 95% of my time. Otherwise shorts and a sleeveless t shirt. I dress like a real life animated cartoonm all my clothes are the same almost
hahahahahahahaha i love this thred already, i have 2 holes in ears and belly button pierced, wanna get clit done but im petrified of the pain, other than the fact that they say anytime u move its like an instant orgasm ;)
I have one in my ear, and one about a half inch in diameter........left upper thigh. THAT one hurt.

don't do your clit, imo. the greatest thing ever invented, and you're gonna muck with it. it'll get ugly from it eventually.
send me a close-up, for further eval.
I have one in my ear, and one about a half inch in diameter........left upper thigh. THAT one hurt.

don't do your clit, imo. the greatest thing ever invented, and you're gonna muck with it. it'll get ugly from it eventually.
send me a close-up, for further eval.

omg how did they do one in ur thigh, omg that does sound painful
hahahahahahaha if i do decide i will send for closer eval, but like anything even tattoos over years they do start to get ruined right
omg how did they do one in ur thigh, omg that does sound painful
hahahahahahaha if i do decide i will send for closer eval, but like anything even tattoos over years they do start to get ruined right
a state trooper did it for free. I didn't stay to thank him; they seemed so busy with that meth lab, an' all.
I was a......rambunctious youth, to say the least.
a state trooper did it for free. I didn't stay to thank him; they seemed so busy with that meth lab, an' all.
I was a......rambunctious youth, to say the least.

hahahahahahaha i understand now, i get wat u are saying, hey no worries, no judgements here, im still in my youth i guess u could say so im still rambunctious i would like to say
Septum is way worse.

Septum wasn't a problem for me.

The worst were the nipples... then again I did mine at 8 gauges, then at 14 verts, then again at 14's but stretched them to 10's with a q-tips. And if you're wondering you get hollow plastic q-tip, shave it down into a cone shape, lube it up, and jam it through. Makes a decent enough taper if you can deal with the pain.

lets see body parts that I've had pierced....

snake bites - 10 gauge
tongue 2x (as twice at one time)
Nipples 3x each - 8, 14, and 10 gauges
belly button - 8 gauge
ear lobes (ripped to 3/4")
conch - 8 gauge
Jacob's ladder on top, and on bottom
Frenum - 8 gauge
webbing between my thumb and index finger on my left hand
Both nostrils

The only piercings I've kept are my the ones in my ears. Although I still have holes in my septum, libre, and frenum. The septum piercing makes for a great party trick. I'll shove tooth picks and safety pins through it to freak people out. One Halloween I even wore a button through my nose that said "this is my costume".

Funny story about my septum piercing. The time I went and had it done professionally (first time I did at home with pliers and a safety pin) it was a female piercer. Well she was leaning in close concentrating as she was trying to get the bead in, and I randomly blurted out "you have pretty eyes" which made her jump and twist the ring. Hurt like a bitch, but it was worth it I think.
Septum wasn't a problem for me.

The worst were the nipples... then again I did mine at 8 gauges, then at 14 verts, then again at 14's but stretched them to 10's with a q-tips. And if you're wondering you get hollow plastic q-tip, shave it down into a cone shape, lube it up, and jam it through. Makes a decent enough taper if you can deal with the pain.

lets see body parts that I've had pierced....

snake bites - 10 gauge
tongue 2x (as twice at one time)
Nipples 3x each - 8, 14, and 10 gauges
belly button - 8 gauge
ear lobes (ripped to 3/4")
conch - 8 gauge
Jacob's ladder on top, and on bottom
Frenum - 8 gauge
webbing between my thumb and index finger on my left hand
Both nostrils

The only piercings I've kept are my the ones in my ears. Although I still have holes in my septum, libre, and frenum. The septum piercing makes for a great party trick. I'll shove tooth picks and safety pins through it to freak people out. One Halloween I even wore a button through my nose that said "this is my costume".

Funny story about my septum piercing. The time I went and had it done professionally (first time I did at home with pliers and a safety pin) it was a female piercer. Well she was leaning in close concentrating as she was trying to get the bead in, and I randomly blurted out "you have pretty eyes" which made her jump and twist the ring. Hurt like a bitch, but it was worth it I think.

omg how could u do that urself, well i did my belly button myself, but something like that i dont think i would, how did u not get aroused, thats one of my concerns as well as going in to get clit done, just be sitting there getting pierced and bam,
omg how could u do that urself, well i did my belly button myself, but something like that i dont think i would, how did u not get aroused, thats one of my concerns as well as going in to get clit done, just be sitting there getting pierced and bam,

Don't do the clit.....and at least leave a landing strip when you shave. :)