What Are You Wearing??

omg how could u do that urself, well i did my belly button myself, but something like that i dont think i would, how did u not get aroused, thats one of my concerns as well as going in to get clit done, just be sitting there getting pierced and bam,

You gotta be tough if you're going to be stupid.

What do you mean about getting aroused? Pain has never been a sexual thing for me. In sensual areas there has been more pain then anything else... pain and blood. Lot's of blood.
omg how could u do that urself, well i did my belly button myself, but something like that i dont think i would, how did u not get aroused, thats one of my concerns as well as going in to get clit done, just be sitting there getting pierced and bam,
I've done all my own piercings as well as plenty on others.
Ones I still wear...
Jacobs ladder.
Ones that aren't in anymore..
Nipples twice each in an x
Gauged ears were 1 1/4
You gotta be tough if you're going to be stupid.

What do you mean about getting aroused? Pain has never been a sexual thing for me. In sensual areas there has been more pain then anything else... pain and blood. Lot's of blood.

well for me i like a little bit of pain when it comes to getting aroused, so thats why i said that, but i understand wat ur saying, probably will be too much pain hahahahaha
A where's waldo shirt........a Miami vice Don Johnson White Blazer with the sleeves pulled up exposing my large submariner Gold Rolex alligator shoes with no socks pleeted silk trowsers with no belt a huge gold chain and a chrome 45 with a shoulder holster and 2 kilos of Peruvian marching dust and $65,000.00 cash............no not really just some sponge Bob pJ's from yesterday......!
I was getting a Prince Albert done. They made the hole but could not find a stud big enough to go thru and put the ball on the end. Pissed me off.