It's Only 4 Billion + What's the hold up congress?


Well-Known Member
The President wants $4,000,000,000 to start to take care of the border children problem...
As Barbara Boxer would yell at Bush when he wanted a tax cut for the rich... How ya gonna pay for this Mr President?
Ahhhh who cares... what's 4 billion worth anyway?
4 billion...
Here's my plan, and there would be thousands left ....
OK... If 100,000 under age children come up to the USA every year for the next 40 years... we fly them back to their own country... we give each of them say: $750 dollars
They'd be rich in their own country... end of problem...

Naw... lets just do it Mr Presidents way... he know's what he's doing....
So I just checked out pricing for one way tickets from Houston to Columbia. Plenty of options around $168. Hmmm.

$168 X 50,000 = $8,400,000.00

That quite a bit less than $3.7 billion, even when you add a free meal and a souvenir USA tshirt.

Seating capacity of a 747 = ~550 to 580, depending on the configuration. In evacuation situations, they've actually crammed close to a 1000 folks in a plane. But we wouldn't want the kiddies uncomfortable, so they all get a comfy seat.

Would only take about 87 planes to get them home. That doesn't really sound like a logistic impossibility, does it?
careful, you're gonna excite muyloco. he's also a fan of executing little brown children.

Yes, because not endorsing illegal immigration makes you want them to die. Maybe you should trot out that facetious quote that was obviously a joke.

Didn't want to tackle those numbers above, huh?
You will have to change the law first. According to our immigration laws they are entitled to a hearing about whether are not they qualify for refugee status.
Yes, because not endorsing illegal immigration makes you want them to die. Maybe you should trot out that facetious quote that was obviously a joke.

Didn't want to tackle those numbers above, huh?

the math on your grand idea of rounding up and indiscriminately sending 50,000 children to a country which may not even be their own?

yep, you are a genius again.

Sorta funny.
Obama didn't do shit about the adults coming over the border
but now with the kids and his panties are in a bunch.
the math on your grand idea of rounding up and indiscriminately sending 50,000 children to a country which may not even be their own?

yep, you are a genius again.


I just used Columbia as an example. I believe flights to all the countries they hail from are available and at close to the same costs. Shit, even if it was ten times the cost, it pales next to $3.7 billion.

Indiscriminately? Hardly. Safely and respectfully transporting them back to whence they came is exactly what is required. Just because dear leader and the rest of you quislings want open borders, doesn't make it so.
I just used Columbia as an example. I believe flights to all the countries they hail from are available and at close to the same costs. Shit, even if it was ten times the cost, it pales next to $3.7 billion.

Indiscriminately? Hardly. Safely and respectfully transporting them back to whence they came is exactly what is required. Just because dear leader and the rest of you quislings want open borders, doesn't make it so.

1) White Southerners are being breeded out by carpet baggers and minorities, and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

2) They are entitled to a hearing about refugee status by law so we cannot just ship them back. They need a place to stay while they wait for their hearing.

3) Many of them, if not most, will qualify and become refugees. I welcome them and hope they have TONS of babies.
1) White Southerners are being breeded out by carpet baggers and minorities, and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

2) They are entitled to a hearing about refugee status by law so we cannot just ship them back. They need a place to stay while they wait for their hearing.

3) Many of them, if not most, will qualify and become refugees. I welcome them and hope they have TONS of babies.

Aww, that's cute. You think you're pushing my buttons because you think I'm racist. Sorry to disappoint you, I welcome as many legal immigrants as the system allows. I couldn't care less what percentage of the US citizenry has white or brown skin in 10, 20, 50 years.

What I don't care for is illegal immigration. Get in line (I don't fucking care how long it is, it's worth the wait) and do it properly.
I just used Columbia as an example. I believe flights to all the countries they hail from are available and at close to the same costs. Shit, even if it was ten times the cost, it pales next to $3.7 billion.

Indiscriminately? Hardly. Safely and respectfully transporting them back to whence they came is exactly what is required. Just because dear leader and the rest of you quislings want open borders, doesn't make it so.

and just because you and the rest of the bigots and racists want to spend billions to round up and execute illegals doesn't make it a popular idea.
1) White Southerners are being breeded out by carpet baggers and minorities, and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

2) They are entitled to a hearing about refugee status by law so we cannot just ship them back. They need a place to stay while they wait for their hearing.

3) Many of them, if not most, will qualify and become refugees. I welcome them and hope they have TONS of babies.

ummmm......."bred" out.
carpet-baggers were white.

a silly post, but even sillier Engrish.
and just because you and the rest of the bigots and racists want to spend billions to round up and execute illegals doesn't make it a popular idea.
Illegals need to fuck off and get in line like everyone else.

Stop being such a bean-scuttle, theyre breaking the law, send them home.

If it was white people, Buck would offer to personality fly the plane deporting them.

No actually, that'd involve skill and work.
Illegals need to fuck off and get in line like everyone else.

Stop being such a bean-scuttle, theyre breaking the law, send them home.

If it was white people, Buck would offer to personality fly the plane deporting them.

No actually, that'd involve skill and work.
I would gladly trade busloads of Bucks for these tough little guys. an infusion of strength into a pusillanimous American society. if you dropped Americans in the jungles of Colombia, and showed them the way home, they'd sit there and cry, and wait for someone to save them.