What Are You Wearing??

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
My mother makes the ultimate flan, so delisioso. Last time we made it we tried to use the microwave to caramelize the sugar; it wasn't the same.

And café con leche, that's also my favorite.


Well-Known Member
My wife makes a kick ass flan, but my fav is "dulce de leche cortada", just takes a long time and needs to be watched on the stove.... Warm Arroz con leche is another fav.


Well-Known Member
I eat close to a Japanese diet most of the time. rice, greens, and fish. fish is getting scary, though. farm-raised bullshit, or Fukushima-enriched wild-caught. sad.


Well-Known Member
I'm dyin' here. :)
warm Mexican rice pudding is a close runner-up to sex.
Cuban rice pudding(not sure if different?), evaporated milk and leche condensada, I like it sweet...

All this dessert talk got me jonesing for some cappuccinos. Going to take the dog for a walk and stop at the bakery.:hump:DessertCappucinos1-663x497.jpg