Women Were The First Gods And The First Rulers


Well-Known Member
then you should know that internal reproduction was an evolutionary process resulting in more effective reproduction and offspring survival. an egg and sperm cell are still necessary.

i would think the only thing that could be considered a creator of life is an asexual organism.
No, the woman is doing it. And Epigenetics is proving this more and more every day.
The man's DNA is a factor, but the 9 months are something that happens in no other part of the process.


Well-Known Member
I just had a weird crazy thought. Do you think there was ever a time that they didn't sever umbilical cords, and people were like packs of weird octopuses?


Well-Known Member
Lol. Go ahead and keep pretending I don't get laid. But there is even a thread on this website about a girl basically kinda raping me. I was drunk, throwing up, about to go to sleep, and she got on top of me. If that happened to a girl it would be called rape.

So, yeah, I don't even try to get laid and it happens, so I am not even going to have this discussion.
fin ima take u to cicero ave or madison st. we gonna get ulaid bro. cant bare to see u like this


Well-Known Member
well i donno anyone who will fukk u for free so
Lol. So are you so offended by the idea of a woman being God that you feel the need to pretend you paying for sex makes you a man.

We are coming to an era of sexual freedom. I was raped at 15 by a girl, and now kids are all sexting each other. Get over it, women and people in general are coming to a new era of "who gives a fuck about what someone does when they are naked" (I know we should still make laws to stop kids from doing it, but the point is they are doing it and it is going to teach them something that none of us ever learned, and I'm not exactly sure what that is). And more and more women are being open about themselves.

Paying for sex is gross. Pretending your a big man for it is even grosser.


Well-Known Member
If I could talk to the animals, just imagine it,
Chattin' with a chimp in chimpanzee,
Imagine talking to a tiger, chatting with a cheetah,
What a neat achievement it would be!


Well-Known Member
Lol. So are you so offended by the idea of a woman being God that you feel the need to pretend you paying for sex makes you a man.

We are coming to an era of sexual freedom. I was raped at 15 by a girl, and now kids are all sexting each other. Get over it, women and people in general are coming to a new era of "who gives a fuck about what someone does when they are naked" (I know we should still make laws to stop kids from doing it, but the point is they are doing it and it is going to teach them something that none of us ever learned, and I'm not exactly sure what that is). And more and more women are being open about themselves.

Paying for sex is gross. Pretending your a big man for it is even grosser.
lol i dont pay 4 shit but maybe a few drinks dinner few lines of coke....


Active Member
Women were the first Gods, no doubt.

I'm pretty sure Kali was slaying demons (of maya) not men. He husband laid down as if dead; and she believed that in her rage she killed him. It was the love of her husband that brought her out of the rage.

Datura/MJ are both vascular dilators and soft muscle relaxants which is why they help with Mense. Take some motirin though far better for you then Datura.


Well-Known Member
Women were the first Gods, no doubt.

I'm pretty sure Kali was slaying demons (of maya) not men. He husband laid down as if dead; and she believed that in her rage she killed him. It was the love of her husband that brought her out of the rage.

Datura/MJ are both vascular dilators and soft muscle relaxants which is why they help with Mense. Take some motirin though far better for you then Datura.
They all has mustaches, which was to represent their masculinity.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
There's only one god and he/ she/ it is not a human.... These tribes and colony's of people that would worship chicks and pigs and members from their own as gods would be considered cults in today's modern society!
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