Better president: George W. Bush or Barack Obama?

Who is a superior President, Barack Obama Or George W. Bush?

  • George W. Bush was a superior President.

    Votes: 26 52.0%
  • Barack Obama is a better President than George W. Bush.

    Votes: 24 48.0%

  • Total voters
At this point it is no contest. Bush wins, even though he sucked.

Obama created this flood of children with his politically motivated violation of the constitution, and then was too haughty to even set foot on the border and view these urchins with his own superior eyes.

Obama has failed in his constitutional duty to faithfully execute the law, substituting instead his own superior ideas of how to pump up the Democratic political base that is hell bent on destroying the Republic.

Those children are allowed a hearing about whether they qualify for refugee status by law, and this was true when Bush was president. If you don't like it then try to change the law, but don't blame our president for the fact that you are being breeded out.
I say Bush was better because Obama is so terrible.

Obama is not governing, hasnt governed and at this point probably never will. He just doesnt understand how to be a manager.

as a home inspector, what do you suggest as the property humidity level for a home?
Those children are allowed a hearing about whether they qualify for refugee status by law, and this was true when Bush was president. If you don't like it then try to change the law, but don't blame our president for the fact that you are being breeded out.

What you said made no sense. Bush isnt president now, Obama is. Obama can change the law. If Obama was enforcing the border then this would not be happening. Obama is creating the problem on purpose.
I can't decide.

its been the same president since 1963........wearing a different mask.

For real...this man got it goin on.

That's like asking if you would rather be gut shot or beat to death.

They are both useless pieces of shit and guilty of high treason.

Here is a good example of the dog and pony can thank bend me ova Eric Holder & commie Obamie for letting these Nazi bastards off.

"DOJ pursues immunity for Bush and six others for Iraq war crimes"

July 8, 2014
David Phillips

The Department of Justice has filed a Grant of Immunity for war crimes against George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald Rumsfeld. The filing for the immunity of war crimes was made with the United States District Court, Northern District of California San Francisco Division.

The filing is for procedural immunity in a case alleging that they planned and waged the Iraq War in violation of international law.

Tags: DOJ
seems like a piece of basic knowledge for a home inspector to know.

guess you're not a home inspector at all. another little fantasy you harbor and lie about online.

Guess that would make you an idiot.

The humidity level inside a home is outside the scope of a residential home inspection unless that humidity is very high as evidenced by some sort of water leak.

It is a moot point as you are trying to defend living in your grow room.
Those children are allowed a hearing about whether they qualify for refugee status by law, and this was true when Bush was president. If you don't like it then try to change the law, but don't blame our president for the fact that you are being breeded out.

That flood of children, if not for the pandering to the illegal alien vote by the president, and his unconstitutional failure to faithfully execute the law, would not have happened.

Some basic civics for you: Congress makes law, the president executes the law.
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