Plastic Melted On MH Bulb -.-


Well-Known Member
Well my ~1 week old MH bulb got a little plastic melted to it (dumb mistake) and I scraped most off and ordered a new one - just curious if you guys think it's safe until the replacement comes in about ~1 week? Not trying to blow shit up over here...I'd assume it's creating a "hot spot". It's a 600w, running 21 hours a day...

All I've got to replace it right now is a HPS, but these gals are hardly starting to veg n I don't really want to use an HPS


Well-Known Member
remainder of plastic shld burn away w smell... clean oil from hands off bulb, nearly as important as plastic.
I didn't touch it, used my shirt lol...So you think it'd be a waste to throw the bulb out? Just let it burn off eh? That sounds a lot better than trashing $45


Well-Known Member
I'd trash it once the replacement arrives.
That was my original intention. It'd be nice to have a backup laying around tho...Guess I could use the new one and keep the plasticy one for a backup. Looks like between what I scraped off and what's been burnt off it's all gone but not sure if it caused any 'damage' while it was on there...


Well-Known Member
supercro, is correct, ..more info on your part would help, if you melt plastic with a light bulb what you gonna to with a gallon of gas and a bic lighter...? llol
scrap of the plastic and clean with vodka, or iso to get the finger print grease off and reinsert, once the replacement comes, keep the used one as a spare, nothing fucks you off so much as never having a spare wait and see!


Well-Known Member
supercro, is correct, ..more info on your part would help, if you melt plastic with a light bulb what you gonna to with a gallon of gas and a bic lighter...? llol
scrap of the plastic and clean with vodka, or iso to get the finger print grease off and reinsert, once the replacement comes, keep the used one as a spare, nothing fucks you off so much as never having a spare wait and see!
TBH what really happened is even more embarrassing and ignorant than accidentally touching plastic to my 600w bulb..after running it for a week I realized I never removed the blue plastic liner from the reflective hood tht they use when packaging to protect metal surfaces...sure as hell noticed the smell everyday and then the blue shit hanging down :wall: Lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
TBH what really happened is even more embarrassing and ignorant than accidentally touching plastic to my 600w bulb..after running it for a week I realized I never removed the blue plastic liner from the reflective hood tht they use when packaging to protect metal surfaces...sure as hell noticed the smell everyday and then the blue shit hanging down :wall: Lesson learned.
Dude thats OK, My 3d tv complete with all the mod cons sat in my console for a week b4 'she'(whoknowsall) told me I had the same shit on the screen, as I can only watch tv stoned I didn't mind

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
that was my first instinct, plastic from hood, but since you didn't specify.... Lol. my buddy did the exact same thing on an econo (adjust-a-wing) refector a few yrs back. it kinda messed the hood up but the bulb was ok. that plastic is easy to forget since it's clear.


Well-Known Member
that was my first instinct, plastic from hood, but since you didn't specify.... Lol. my buddy did the exact same thing on an econo (adjust-a-wing) refector a few yrs back. it kinda messed the hood up but the bulb was ok. that plastic is easy to forget since it's clear.
Well that makes me feel a little better Lol. I was running it at 50% for that week so it wasn't as terrible as it could've been. Was the first day I cranked it up to 100% that I noticed something odd drooping from the reflector o_O maybe 1/8th of an inch long chunk of plastic actually touched / stuck to the bulb - nothing crazy

Another guy on a diff forum did the same thing it turns out, and then your buddy so that makes 3 of us -.-