Better president: George W. Bush or Barack Obama?

Who is a superior President, Barack Obama Or George W. Bush?

  • George W. Bush was a superior President.

    Votes: 26 52.0%
  • Barack Obama is a better President than George W. Bush.

    Votes: 24 48.0%

  • Total voters
The Dreameo... Get that Kenyan cock out of your throat and get some O2 in your brain.

stormfront like accusations of gay kenyan presidents aside, are you saying that the president's executive order to implement the republican's DREAM act is what caused this?
I'm asking you to explain :)

notice how public sector jobs all start at 100% at the end of each recession?

that's called a baseline.

if more public sector jobs are added, like reagan did to get out of his recession, then it goes up above 100% of the starting figure (baseline). in reagan's case, he grew public sector jobs by 8%, hence why public sector employment goes up to 108%.

obama shrank public sector jobs by about 3%, hence why we are at 97% of public sector jobs from the baseline.

so you see, your claim that obama grew public sector jobs was FALSE. some call it a LIE. some might call it a MALICIOUS LIE, but since i believe you to be incredibly DUMB, i'm gonna go ahead and believe that your claim was born out of IDIOCY, not MALICE.
That flood of children, if not for the pandering to the illegal alien vote by the president, and his unconstitutional failure to faithfully execute the law, would not have happened.

Some basic civics for you: Congress makes law, the president executes the law.
People still get murdered! I guess Obama is causing all these murders by not enforcing the law, even though people get caught murdering others! The fact that some people get away with it means that Obama is at fault for it!

Thanks, Obama!
"so you see, your claim that obama grew public sector jobs was FALSE. some call it a LIE. some might call it a MALICIOUS LIE, but since i believe you to be incredibly DUMB, i'm gonna go ahead and believe that your claim was born out of IDIOCY, not MALICE."

LOL.......Frederick Drugless.
I find it interesting that Obama is being trounced by Bush II in an unscientific poll of a fairly left leaning website.

Geeze that is one shitty president we have.

Rome went through an era of bad emperors. They have a name for it, it's the number of emperors that were bad they had in a row. For instance, if there were six of them, the era is called "The six bad emperors. "

Anyway, right now we're at 2 bad presidents.

I think though, that circumstance bade Bush II a bad president. Had 9/11 not happened, he wouldn't have done the things that he is judged a bad president because of; Iraq, Patriot Act, the debt resulting of war, et cetera.

Anyone could have been a good president in the 1990's. Bill Clinton didn't fuck anything up, so I'll give him credit of being a good president.

Bush I wasn't bad. Had a major conservative third party challenger and lost.

Reagan is top 5 best. Top 10 at worst.

But Obama is a joke... He might be capable of having been able to fuck up the 1990's had he been president tthen.
so it was good when reagan raised taxes, negotiated with terrorists, and granted amnesty, but no when obama did it?

what tips it for you? was it the welfare queen meme reagan invented, or was it when he 100% ignored a health epidemic like AIDS?
Well Reagan inherited a shitty economy also, instead of fucking around with it, he sparked one of the longest period of economic growth in our history.

You can raise taxes or cut them, the circumstances demand which action. I'm not one of those Republican types who think cutting taxes is always the right and only answer. Reagan did it and it worked for him. Obama has some metrics saying it did positive things, but the results Reagan got have not been duplicated by Obama to any comparative degree.

So both guys negotiate with terrorists. So what? Leonardo Da Vinci and George W. Bush both painted portraits. They're far from equal. Reagan achieved a very positive result for America with his by getting hundreds of American hostages out of Iran for a few small arms. Obama traded 5 terrorists for one deserter, wow. I see how that's comparable.

Reagan made a mistake when he signed the amnesty bill. His mistake was to trust Democrats. The amnesty was supposed to be followed by strict immigration enforcement at the border. The Democrats in Congress blocked that stuff.

I don't think Obama has fully granted amnesty yet, and what he has done in that department exceeded his authority as president. He isn't allowed to pass legislation. Yet that looks like what he has done. So again, he has failed to do anything right there.

Reagan 100% ignored a health crisis you say? AIDS was a crisis, and it hit in what, 82 or 83? He was addressing it fairly well by 86.

Obama ignored gay marriage, worse he opposed it. He opposed it for about as much of his presidency as Reagan went without doing anything about AIDS.

Are you under the impression that Reagan was hiding a cure in his desk? What could he have done? He could have been more like Obama and used executive orders to force gays to abstain from sex, maybe?

Doctors didn't know what the hell was going on with it. They couldn't treat it. And many at the time we're probably telling him it was a gay only disease, since gay was one of the words in the diseases name for some time. Reagan probably had good advisors telling him that the gay community was being advised on how to avoid it. In other words, no action was required of Reagan on this. At the time, other than empty words he had nothing to offer.

The welfare queen was fairly accurate at that time.
Reagan probably had good advisors telling him that the gay community was being advised on how to avoid it. In other words, no action was required of Reagan on this. At the time, other than empty words he had nothing to offer.

"No action was required"...

...killed thousands of people

Thanks Reagan..
The question is like comparing two turds.

Which one is shinier?


He is a very effective orator, and besides being black, that's the main reason he won.

He's a better, more efficient puppet, better able to appease the masses because he can effectively communicate and play both sides of the field. Also, because he's younger, more intelligent and sadly most importantly a black family man, he is viewed as UNTHREATING. But this quiet family man is (through the puppeteers extension) controls the most advanced and powerful military on earth. And while he's unthreatining at home, confusing and distracting you fools with obamacare, gun laws, and his public life, he
Is using that power and that military abroad, committing greater atrocities than any of America's enemy's have ever commited.

It's always been so.

Millions dead in government overthrows via CIA

It goes on
"No action was required"...

...killed thousands of people

Thanks Reagan..
So Reagan went around injecting HIV infested semen into the anus of unsuspecting gay men, by the thousands?

All while recovering from a near fatal gunshot wound.

There are those among us that does not think it is the president's responsibility to talk about every problem under the sun.

I think diabetes kills more people than HIV, and I've not heard many ppresidential address on diabetes.

A made up piece of business this seems to be.