Make Marijuana Legal in Texas

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
not wanting illegals invading our state is not racist. hating all members of a certain race makes you racist. educate yourself on what your talking about.
Your irrational reasoning for segregation is bullshit!! tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to help you sleep at night!!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
A fin the prophet wants to do the interview but he wants to do it shirtless he said he feels more like a prophet like that and also cuz it's summertime!He said you gotta be shirtless to!!


Well-Known Member
Tweet @GovernorPerry "Maybe if you LEGALIZE WEED you could afford to secure your border"
Texas, California, New York and Florida are the linchpins. They made it illegal, at first, and the US Congress followed them. The US Congress will follow only those 4 States out of Prohibition.