Buying superbox or supercabinet for first time grow.

Ok, before I get started let me give you my background. The last time I smoked weed was in high school and I graduated in 2001. I joined the Military and have been in there since then. I was injured overseas and I am being medically retired. I plan on smoking weed, for medical reasons. I don't want to buy weed and I understand doing something yourself saves money over time so I am not afraid of investing, within reason. I do have a wife who prefers not to know about it if I decide to grow but she is not against the ideal wholly.

That being said I need to create a setup that can be indiscreet, mostly noise free and must have no stench. I was looking at and I could keep that in my office in the house I am building or in the garage. Or I was thinking to just really invest and go with and just keep this in the garage. They look like something better than I can build myself, a bit pricy but has a 3 year warranty so I feel that is a plus.

I know I am not going to get 10 foot plants with either of these setups. While at the hydroponics store I was told not to get them because I wouldn't get enough yeilds on something that small. They said most boxes online don't have enough airflow and should just build one. Then they offered to help me build a soil setup for $1000 that I could build in my basement... which is not what I want...

So my first question is: Has anyone had luck with the supercloset products? If so would you reccomend the boxes to an absolute beginner, who has the capacity to learn by reading and watching tuturoils.

Second question is: Do you think the smaller one would be ok since I plan on being the only person to smoke my crop?

Third Question is: If you go to their webpage you will see each of the boxes has additional items you can add to help your box, some of them are pretty pricy. Do you see any that I absolutely need? I know what my city waters average ph level is from reading forums on aquarium sites so i think ph strips will be ok over an actual machine. Not sure if I would need a reverse osmosis machine, I read for my city they do not use chloramine or its super low. I plan on doing Autoflowering feminized seeds so I am going to stick to the one bulb provided, I know less yeids. I was only going to do 3 plants at a time to leave spots for cloning so I don't think I need a germination tank. Thoughts?

Fourth Question. I plan to buy seeds online. I have read forums on here about more seed banks than I can count. How do I tell which is for me? I was thinking of going through Gorrilla Seed bank and getting the Easy Kush Feminized. Or I was going to do some pick and mix autoseeding on Attitude Seed bank. Reccomendations, thoughts, experiences? I know I risk having my shipment found but you can't catch a fish without throwing in the line.

I know this was long and I have tried to keep it minimal because I have tons of questions that could be answered by reading other entrys on this website. Trust me I have a ton of questions about hydro, germination and everything else; even though I've watched every video I could online for the past 3 months.

I want to thank everyone ahead of time, you are the experts and I am coming to you so thank you very very much!


Well-Known Member
You should really build one, and then it could be stealth. But if you had to choose, I would go with the smaller one.. If you train right you could probally get better yields out of the one with the bigger footprint


Well-Known Member
Before you invest your $, ask yourself this question. If these pre-made solutions actually worked, as advertised, wouldn't everyone have one? Of course they would. That few people have them, should tell you all you need to know. Either they are stealthy and don't grow well, or they grow and aren't stealthy. If you have 70 degree plus temps in the room where the cab resides, your plants will have heat issues. Unless you crack the door, In which case, you might as well be using a do-it-yourself tent, for all the stealth you're getting.

I don't want to pee on your parade, but personally, if you MUST get one of these cabs, go smaller (or cheaper). I'd agree with the previous poster. Build one yourself. You'll save at least 50% and you'll learn about controlling the critical parameters of indoor growing, while doing it.

Good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
dont pay that much for a file cabinet with a CFL in it. look online or at home depot you can find some nice cabinets you can use to do a build and get more space for 1/4 of the price.

hydro is tough, have you considered soil? if not your going to at least need a PH and PPM pen, they are an absolute must. you will also need the calibration fluids to calibrate each time before using. do not skimp out on these as the PH of the water going in can change with nutrients and temp.

300 bucks for a nice big can build a single DWC hydro system for 20 bucks that will work awesome. then all you have to deal with is lights, ventilation and odor controll there are tons of options from gels to filters to devices you plug in to generate ozone...or some shit..

this option will make it so you have a nice cab in your basement or garage that looks like a normal storage bin anf when you open it up wallah!!

lights you can consider CFL to keep heat down but a small 400w light would really produce some nice yeilds.

a 3 year warranty really isnt a long time when you think about it.

you could insulate the entire box with some sound proof foam and then place fans right in box, that will keep noise down to a min. as long as you have a decently cool place to draw air from (basements are spectacular for housing grow rooms as they stay nice and cool even during the hottest summer months and they are out of sight out of mind.)

ill sub up and could help you out with almost every aspect of your build if you want to go that route..(not really building much just buying all the components seperatly and putting them in the cab) most you would have to do is line the inside of the box and maybe cut/drill a couple holes for hanging and ventilation.
dont pay that much for a file cabinet with a CFL in it. look online or at home depot you can find some nice cabinets you can use to do a build and get more space for 1/4 of the price.

hydro is tough, have you considered soil? if not your going to at least need a PH and PPM pen, they are an absolute must. you will also need the calibration fluids to calibrate each time before using. do not skimp out on these as the PH of the water going in can change with nutrients and temp.

300 bucks for a nice big can build a single DWC hydro system for 20 bucks that will work awesome. then all you have to deal with is lights, ventilation and odor controll there are tons of options from gels to filters to devices you plug in to generate ozone...or some shit..

this option will make it so you have a nice cab in your basement or garage that looks like a normal storage bin anf when you open it up wallah!!

lights you can consider CFL to keep heat down but a small 400w light would really produce some nice yeilds.

a 3 year warranty really isnt a long time when you think about it.

you could insulate the entire box with some sound proof foam and then place fans right in box, that will keep noise down to a min. as long as you have a decently cool place to draw air from (basements are spectacular for housing grow rooms as they stay nice and cool even during the hottest summer months and they are out of sight out of mind.)

ill sub up and could help you out with almost every aspect of your build if you want to go that route..(not really building much just buying all the components seperatly and putting them in the cab) most you would have to do is line the inside of the box and maybe cut/drill a couple holes for hanging and ventilation.

Dude you are awesome, I was hesitant on building my own but the more I think about it the more I just want to build my own, plus I like saving money. I built my own computer after researching it for years so why not my own setup. I will post when I start building, it won't be for another month as I am waiting to move back home. My biggest biggest biggest concern is smell. If I put more than one carbon filter on my build will it help?


Hey New2, you won't need more than one carbon filter for a set up of that size. Check and see how many cubic feet you need to extract (grow space) and get a filter rated appropriately. Of course some filters are better than others and I always check the grams of carbon in each filter as that is the most important to me when comparing prices ($/g). General brand filters from grow shops will most likely do you well through at least one complete grow (I've gotten as much as 3 in on a single filter).


Well-Known Member
grow cabs are a waste of money, usually you can build something as nice for half the price... Definitely get a carbon filter, here get one of these,
you shouldn't need anything else filter wise...
If you have the space, build a "tent" with some 3/4" pvc... maybe 4'x'4'x7'... that should give you more than enough room to run 1000 watts of HPS (600's are way better IMHO) with a nice 3 gallon pot perpetual grow... Look at home depot too, they have "unfinished pantry cabinets" or "wardrobes" that I have built up for clients as stealth boxes, this is an oak finished wardrobe that would be perfect for a smaller stealth box
just throwin out ideas though, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
thats a nice cab Frozen linked for 1/2 the price as the one i did. i prefer metal over wood as i feel safer that way, if a fan shuts down mid day and you dont realize it a HPS can get hot fast.(they also make hanging fire extinguishers that hang over the cab and are triggered by heat) safety 1st..

i would def do some shopping around for something thats going to work with your budget and space, they make a million different cabs that can be used and i have even seen some really fking cool ass rooms built out of an old curb alert dresser or wardrobe. yard sales and craigslist may have something too..

and sorry to dissagree with you frozen but i feel perpetual growing is something you work into slowly and build up to, imho i think a 1 plant cab with a DWC or soil setup would be perfect for a first timer then expand or keep as is depending on how you feel. (i started my first grow with 100w of CFL in a vaccume cleaner box....extremely unsafe and i dont recomend a build like that to anyone lol.

also remember with hydro you will need to keep your water cooled (i think 65-70 is ideal but may want to double check that its been a while for me and hydro) so if your in a basement on a nice concrete floor you will want to utilize that free water chiller :) i used a couple frozen water bottles swapped daily and it was a huge pain in the ass but it worked and was alot cheaper than chiller.

Pass it Around

Well-Known Member
Before you invest your $, ask yourself this question. If these pre-made solutions actually worked, as advertised, wouldn't everyone have one? Of course they would. That few people have them, should tell you all you need to know. Either they are stealthy and don't grow well, or they grow and aren't stealthy. If you have 70 degree plus temps in the room where the cab resides, your plants will have heat issues. Unless you crack the door, In which case, you might as well be using a do-it-yourself tent, for all the stealth you're getting.

I don't want to pee on your parade, but personally, if you MUST get one of these cabs, go smaller (or cheaper). I'd agree with the previous poster. Build one yourself. You'll save at least 50% and you'll learn about controlling the critical parameters of indoor growing, while doing it.

Good luck :peace:

If you don't believe him go on craigslist and look, people are selling the premade stealth boxes for half of what they paid for them. They obviously don't live up to the claims and the cost is way way way overpriced. Your basically paying for someone else to enjoy ripping you off. They work one day and then take the other 6 off at the cost of these units.


Well-Known Member

If you don't believe him go on craigslist and look, people are selling the premade stealth boxes for half of what they paid for them. They obviously don't live up to the claims and the cost is way way way overpriced. Your basically paying for someone else to enjoy ripping you off. They work one day and then take the other 6 off at the cost of these units.
in all fairness they do actually work, and work decent...for the person who does want a plug and play system they are ok, some people would rather just fork out the cash than deal with building something.....these are the ones you see on CL because that person is the type of person not wanting to put any effort in to growing, so in return for his effort the plants end up dying or just being complete shit so they blame it on the system and get rid of it and go back to buying it on the streets.

the problems i see with those systems is they are tiny, most canabis plants will be hard to grow in such a small enviorment. i have seen people grow plants in computer cases...but lets face it if were going to go on this adventure what is the point in spending time and money to grow a fking joint. with a DIY build you can have a super nice stealth grow cab for a fraction of the cost and it will produce nice yeilds. there was a guy on here named stelthy and he did a DIY cab out of a wardrobe and it was the best grow room i have ever laid my eyes on, did a ScROG style grow and just nailed it, yeilded 1.5 lb from one plant

Pass it Around

Well-Known Member
in all fairness they do actually work, and work decent...for the person who does want a plug and play system they are ok, some people would rather just fork out the cash than deal with building something.....these are the ones you see on CL because that person is the type of person not wanting to put any effort in to growing, so in return for his effort the plants end up dying or just being complete shit so they blame it on the system and get rid of it and go back to buying it on the streets.

the problems i see with those systems is they are tiny, most canabis plants will be hard to grow in such a small enviorment. i have seen people grow plants in computer cases...but lets face it if were going to go on this adventure what is the point in spending time and money to grow a fking joint. with a DIY build you can have a super nice stealth grow cab for a fraction of the cost and it will produce nice yeilds. there was a guy on here named stelthy and he did a DIY cab out of a wardrobe and it was the best grow room i have ever laid my eyes on, did a ScROG style grow and just nailed it, yeilded 1.5 lb from one plant

the problem is the prefab cabinets claim you can harvest a lb every month or two and for a newbie to achieve that they would need the whole stalk on the scale.


Well-Known Member
I built my own room using a garden shed.I have it in my garage and if anyone asks I just tell them it's for keeping my expensive tools's 6'6'3 and I have 5 plant in it total cost of build including lights fans filter under 300 pounds.I'm pretty handy at building thing but even a novice could knock one of these up in a day personally I would never buy one of those cabinets I've looked into them pretty extensively and am glad I done it the way I described plus u get a lot more satisfaction getting your hands dirty and then sitting back and admire your creation perfect.