Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
Besides, at that rate it would take about seven years to go through all those chicks.You just got out of the army, didnt you say?
Besides, at that rate it would take about seven years to go through all those chicks.You just got out of the army, didnt you say?
This is going to sound sexist, but here it is... Ever train a dog? The key to dog training is not just teaching the dog that command X means perform action Y; that part's easy, even for a dumb dog. The key is to establish alpha -- the leadership position over the dog so that the dog will actually do action Y when given command X, even long after the dog's excitement over learning a new trick has worn off. When I train dogs and live with them, I notice that when Im under a lot of pressure is when the dogs challenge my leadership, by balking at commands or doing things they know they're not supposed to do. It's nothing personal -- they're just insecure and want me to assert my authority. I absolutely never get angry or emotional but remain calm, and gently but firmly make the dog do whatever I told em to do. If I fail either of these tests, I've failed as a leader in the dog's eyes, so I could expect more and more challenges to my authority. Now I'm not saying treat women like dogs, just that there's a lesson to be learned here. Contrary to what the touchy-feelyists will tell you, a woman looks to a man for leadership. She wants a man who's "Large and in charge" and secure with himself.
UUuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh.wait a minute.You dumbasses women ARE different but can STILL have equal right. They have vaginas and we have dicks. They need attention and not all men do. They still deserve equal rights even if they ARE different. Gotta love the ladies man
Still waiting for those pics.40acres If you weren't such a moron Id show you a picture of me and one of the hottest women you could imagine. The type of girl that you would litterally only dream about but just are too pathetic to get. I just showed her your stupid post and she said It was cute.
After 3 shots of hard liquor and a 2 joint's of mazar I am so fucking high right now! Anyways, Inside every player lies the grave of a nice naive guy killed by heartache. I essentially have died before emotionally. My reality was detonated. I once lost my love and couldn't fathom why. Im a nice looking guy 230lb's, abs, muscles, pretty eyes, ect... but obviously looks weren't everything for me. I had trouble going to work, eating and sleeping. I lost my composure. I couldn't concentrate. I numbed myself with alcohol and drugs. It was a really dangerous time in my life. This is actually where socio-paths, liars and cheaters are born. Then I begin to ask myself hard and healthy questions. Why was I so dependent on her affection? Why did I bet my future on this woman? Why didn't I see this coming? Growing up I learned that you treat others as you want to be treated. Be kind, you get kindness. Show respect and you will be respected. Give, and you will get. When it comes to women, everything I learned in kindergarten was undoubtedly very wrong! I hate to be a nihilist, but here's the cold hard truth -- most of us are in this life alone. She doesn't care about me. She's off schtooping somebody else, having the time of her life. Nobody's responsible for my happiness but me. And even worse, nobody cares if I don't get there. Likewise nobody deserves for me to bend over backwards for them. Immediately after this moment of clarity, the weight of these stark revelations crushed my egg-shell mind. This is where my psyche broke down.
The only person in charge of anything here and the way things are handled is me, no one else. If anyone attempts to challenge me according to there ideas about me, it is still only I who has control and the final word on anything. How will doing what you people want enhance my life and make me a more resourceful person?
The only person in charge of anything here and the way things are handled is me, no one else. If anyone attempts to challenge me according to there ideas about me, it is still only I who has control and the final word on anything. How will doing what you people want enhance my life and make me a more resourceful person?
Most people, when refusing something, will immediately add, "because..." and launch into an explanation. Im different I rather say nothing - The message I give off is that I could really give a damn about what you think about me - whatever I do Is and will be always right, so I don't need to explain myself.
Well I just have to rep you for that one.
much obliged little lady
now by rep u mean reprehencable dirty sex on your kitchen floor right?