The Governments infiltration of the marijuana movement

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member




COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and at most times illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveying, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations.

The FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception; however, covert operations under the official COINTELPRO label took place between 1956 and 1971. COINTELPRO tactics have been alleged to include discrediting targets through psychological warfare; smearing individuals and groups using false information and forged documents by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment; and illegal violence.

COINTELPRO in todays Marijuana Movement

The Mariuana Legalization movement has long been a target of COINTELPRO. With the use of agents (i.e. snitches, narcs, informants, infiltrators, provacateurs etc.) the government has been able to successfully manipulate, divide and sometime dismantle the marijuana movement from withing the political organizations.

Types of COINTELPRO Agents aka Snitches/Provocateurs

There are a lot of different types of Agents who are often referred to as snitches.

For purposes of this article, a snitch is anybody who inserts him- or herself into your non-violent activities on behalf of government. "Government" may mean local cops. It could also mean the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, or a host of other state or federal agencies. It's absolutely mind-boggling how many seemingly innocuous agencies these days have arrest powers, armed enforcers — and snitches employed in sneaky sting operations. And thousands of them use snitches.

There are two common categories of snitch you need to look out for:

The infiltrator/agent provocateur. This is someone (often a professional) who is inserted into a group for an active purpose, such as disrupting the group, or worst, talking formerly innocent (or at least formerly non-violent) people into committing crimes in order to bust them. Agents provocateurs may, among other things, try to turn non-violent protest into violent action, thus discrediting movements, giving excuses for crackdowns, and giving more publicity and power to government agencies.

The informer/informant. This snitch is often a legitimate member of a group or social circle who continues to be active while giving information to the police. This person may be acting under duress (to save his own skin after being arrested, for instance). This person may be hoping the cops will pay with money, drugs, or ongoing criminal immunity for her dubious "services." While this person isn't necessarily a professional agent provocateur, he may nevertheless try to talk friends into committing crimes so he can get more credibility or rewards from his police handlers.

These aren't the only types of snitches. For example, there's also what we'll call the"accidental snitch" — though idiot snitch might be more appropriate. This is the person who simply can't keep her mouth shut about illegal or controversial activities. Cops lovethese guys! They don't even have to threaten them, pay them, hire them, train them, or gain any leverage over them. They just sit back and listen to them reveal secrets.

Then there's the type of snitch the British call a grass and old American gangsters might have called a stool pigeon. This is a person who blabs to cops or other government agents after you (and probably he) have already been arrested. This person isn't going to interfere with your activities; that's already been done. He's "only" going to give sworn affidavits and courtroom testimony against you, justifying it as a means of saving his own skin. There's not much you can do about this person. By the time you learn one of your former friends is a "stoolie," it's too late.

There are vengeance snitches — people who turn on friends and associates after having a falling out or not getting their way. There are jailhouse snitches — either deliberately planted in your cell after you've been arrested or just opportunists who happen to be there and are willing to share whatever you say (or make up lies about things you said).

Each and every one of these people is a betrayer of friendship and trust. All of them are just plain rats — and they're as welcome in the company of good people as rats are in a pantry.

To keep things simple we're going to call them all snitches — though we'll differentiate when we need to help you look out for specific problems.

What makes snitches so dangerous?
Snitches are everywhere and their use is growing. In many cases, genuine police investigations into actual crimes are almost a thing of the past. Government agents just round up some snitches, get them to lie or arm-twist them into spying and — voila! — an instant and easy case against virtually anyone they want to target. Sometimes they get everything they need from some anonymous person who makes false accusations via a tips hotline.

Snitches (and cops) lie all the time and get away with it. So do prosecutors and virtually all government investigators. Good luck "proving your innocence" if some liar says you were part of a drug deal, laundered money, plotted to blow up a bridge, or asked him to help you murder somebody. Never mind that, in our legal system, the government is supposed to have to prove your guilt; that's become a quaint notion.

Snitches damage individuals, organizations, and movements even before they actually rat on anybody. The mere fear of them destroys trust, friendship, and cohesiveness. Some are deliberately inserted into groups to cause exactly that sort of chaos and dissension.

They tarnish otherwise legitimate political movements. When the media reports that members of Group X or Movement Y have been caught running drugs or guns or plotting to dump toxic chemicals in a reservoir, guess what sticks in the public's mind — your legitimate goals or the "fact" that you're a bunch of terrorist whackos? Later, when it comes out that the entire plot was a fiction created by an agent provocateur who got a few marginal members to go along with a scheme the government itself cooked up, hardly anyone notices. All they think is, "Oh, Group X; yeah, they're a bunch of violent loonies. Thank God the FBI saved us from them."

They send people to prison. Sometimes innocent people. Often the victims of snitches have committed "crimes" that are much less serious than those of the snitch himself. A snitch is often either a real scumbag who's in the pay of police or a formerly decent person trying to save herself (or family members or friends) from a long prison sentence by getting others to commit crimes.

They corrupt entire cultures. Think of East Germany under the STASI or the old Soviet Union. Literally husbands couldn't trust their wives. Parents couldn't trust their children. Brothers couldn't trust brothers because so many were reporting to the state. Now, some countries that knew the horror of snitch culture forbid or limit the use of snitches. At the same time, formerly free nations are relying on snitches for everything and encouraging every moron in the land to "see something and say something."
I have some PSYOP experience and all you really need to know is that it exploits a culture and it's fears in an attempt to control those people. The principles of Nazi Germany and Joseph Goebbels' propaganda are beyond mainstream in our current culture, we teach it at every major university under the name "Advertising" and/or "Marketing". Consider this every time you hear a well crafted political ad, speech or talking points. Are you being informed or exploited into a tool of war by cowards ...
I believe this whole criminal prohibition game of the government on marijuana is without a question based upon exploitation of racial propaganda. From the early days of the classical Nazi type propaganda of Reefer Madness to Nixon's executive orders that begun this "War on Drugs" we know today. All have been based on unjust fears of Black and Hispanic culture, if not aimed at them directly as a means of control. The history of this game has no way to hide the facts of the matter, how the powers to be have kept it up is the true "problem" society needs to address ...
i have suspicion of a few cointel pro fellers attached to the bigger outfits in our game. the bakery fellers.... that one high magazine... seed banks... musicians.. theres a lot of areas we are vulnerable. you can bet theres more then one schmuck thats lost his freedom cause he got suckered into doing what he did by someone else "Doing it big" and "doing it publicly"

if you ever have the thought "How in the fuck is this person doing what they are doing without protection?" ..... they probably have protection...
i have suspicion of a few cointel pro fellers attached to the bigger outfits in our game. the bakery fellers.... that one high magazine... seed banks... musicians.. theres a lot of areas we are vulnerable. you can bet theres more then one schmuck thats lost his freedom cause he got suckered into doing what he did by someone else "Doing it big" and "doing it publicly"

if you ever have the thought "How in the fuck is this person doing what they are doing without protection?" ..... they probably have protection...
Like, A. J.... for example
Ahh that wonderful word again: "COINTELPRO."

I've suspected this MJ "movement" infiltration from the start, just haven't seen many people actually say it.

So what's the solution?

My ideas lean toward a mass gathering of citizens and a new declaration of "this is how it's gon' Be." (with plenty of firm verbal elaboration, so that they get the message that they are indeed no longer "in charge" according to We The People)

At this point, it seems that there are only two options: surrender or civil war. Neither seems like it would have a good outcome. I don't think law-tricks like "direct democracy ballot initiatives" are going to cut the mustard. I think such things will simply be disregarded easily with whatever excuse they feel like spewing at whatever moment.

I also thought about the tax-halt angle: if we all agree to refuse to pay any further taxes until they stop terrorizing us, they'll just have to accept it (i'm sure that'll go over nicely). And we'll just have to accept the consequences. And maybe in another 20-30 years, the remaining population will have the liberties they deserve. Sacrifice for hope of a better future, or pass it on to the next generation to deal with...
oh come on, you can't say his name?

If i guessed correctly on what "A.J." means... my personal assessment is that he's been compromised, and is basically forced to participate in the very thing he decries: obfuscation and fear mongering. I think he started out with good intentions, and like he says, they would only allow him to continue doing what he does, if too many people know who he is. If they were to assassinate or "suicide" him, or stage some "accident," his audience would immediately assume the gov't did it, and that would cause problems for the gov't.

However, i think they found a way to infiltrate his operations, probably threatened his family, and probably required him to keep on keepin' on, but in a way that corrupts what much of his audience seems to think (or at least used to think) is incorruptible. Sometimes i imagine he gets so angry because he's stuck in a bad situation, and the only way he can protect himself and his family, is to go along with whatever he has to go along with.

On the other hand, i still disagree with a lot of his personal views, especially the theism stuff, and it's entirely possible that particular lens of his, is part of what influences him to believe or express the things i disagree with.

However (again)... he's still accomplishing part of what he wants to do: he wants people to realize things ARE happening "behind the scenes," and that you really can't trust anyone to tell the whole truth, and to think for themselves, investigate any/everything they're told, on their own; including anything he tells them. It's like he's locked in a chess match with his unwanted handlers, and he sometimes makes clever moves and gets away with revealing unpleasant truths, in ways those handlers might not realize.

Either way, i just can't listen to him or visit his site anymore, for some years now, because it just makes me physically ill to imagine that it's possible that even half of what he says is accurate.

My heart aches and my stomach churns for this world. A.J.'s not the only one trapped between a rock and a hard place. All of us are (minus the elites! ...or maybe they are too? maybe they see no other way to protect themselves from an enraged proletariat, than to keep oppressing everyone?).

It is indeed a prison planet. If it ain't one cage, it's another. As far as i can tell, it's earth or nothing.
Thats an interesting theory, about Alex. There may quiet possibly be something going on there, which would attribute to his drastic flip flopping from one week to the next. Or he's just severely bipolar. The idea that he's basically just all about the money and this is just nothing more than one of his many business's, is more likely. Just one of his many ways he makes his living. I WILL say that i think his documentary's are fantastic, imo. I have my own theory, but whatever the case may be i don't follow him and i find that im a much happier person when i stay out of politics and current events etc. I too become ill the deeper i dig. I cant stand that feeling of hopelessness. The reality is that we really can't change anything. It's global, and the world we live in is going to be drastically different from what people are used to, in the very near future. I can even remember a time where here in America a person had the right to voice their own opinion. Now if you make a single peep you are instantly crucified. Or you must be a this or a that etc. It's just sad. It's like people don't understand that these rights we have in place are there to protect everyone. What happens when they are gone? It's happening right now.
For what it's worth, i was living in Austin and aware of AJ prior to and during 9/11 (turned 21 not long before that event). I honestly think he started with good intentions, but at this point, i really have no idea what to think about him, and what i said above is just the result of some speculating and hypothesizing i've done over the years, as i've watched things change for him. At first i refused to believe he could be compromised, but even some of the things he said himself, kinda made me wonder... he's always saying "there's a war on for your mind." He couldn't be more right about that... regardless of his present intentions.

And hey, having multiple businesses and becoming financially successful is a pretty universal goal for humans, so i can't really fault him for that... but i would surely be disappointed to learn that his intentions have become unsavory, or worse. I've seen some anti-AJ accusations and criticisms, but at this point, who do you trust? No one, right? So how can you ensure that you get unmolested, unadulterated info from an uncompromised source? Seems like everyone who goes through the effort to make controversial information available to the public, always has some agenda, and it's become so convoluted at this point, i don't know if there is even a way to figure out what's what anymore.

If/when i ever do check in on AJ anymore, i always try to disregard his emotional outbursts and mannerisms, and just listen to what he's actually saying, read documents, consider the sources... that's what he started out with, and that's what i still do. Whether he's trying to hype people up for ratings and profit... i learned some useful things from him, and it got me interested in trying to figure out what's really going on in the world. On one hand i'm thankful for that, but on the other... i often wish i could just "take the blue pill" and return to blissful ignorance.
For what it's worth, i was living in Austin and aware of AJ prior to and during 9/11 (turned 21 not long before that event). I honestly think he started with good intentions, but at this point, i really have no idea what to think about him, and what i said above is just the result of some speculating and hypothesizing i've done over the years, as i've watched things change for him. At first i refused to believe he could be compromised, but even some of the things he said himself, kinda made me wonder... he's always saying "there's a war on for your mind." He couldn't be more right about that... regardless of his present intentions.

And hey, having multiple businesses and becoming financially successful is a pretty universal goal for humans, so i can't really fault him for that... but i would surely be disappointed to learn that his intentions have become unsavory, or worse. I've seen some anti-AJ accusations and criticisms, but at this point, who do you trust? No one, right? So how can you ensure that you get unmolested, unadulterated info from an uncompromised source? Seems like everyone who goes through the effort to make controversial information available to the public, always has some agenda, and it's become so convoluted at this point, i don't know if there is even a way to figure out what's what anymore.

If/when i ever do check in on AJ anymore, i always try to disregard his emotional outbursts and mannerisms, and just listen to what he's actually saying, read documents, consider the sources... that's what he started out with, and that's what i still do. Whether he's trying to hype people up for ratings and profit... i learned some useful things from him, and it got me interested in trying to figure out what's really going on in the world. On one hand i'm thankful for that, but on the other... i often wish i could just "take the blue pill" and return to blissful ignorance.
I couldn't agree with you more!
There is a fine line between informing and entertaining the public, but sadly only the latter is profitable.
There's that...

OTOH: i would predict that even if you did find a way to make telling the truth profitable, you'd still have hoards of people accusing you of "profiteering" and all sorts of other things, basically trying to discredit you for making gains off a bad situation.

Kinda how people act so appalled over "shameless self promotion." I mean really? Why shouldn't i promote myself? Should i believe that anything i try to do to support myself is somehow shameful? People gotta survive, and if they can, they'll try to make the most gains out of whatever they can do. That doesn't automatically mean they're manipulating the information and lying for profit. I don't like the implications that people knee-jerk into "social justice" or even social prejudice, just because someone is trying to promote themselves in order to make a decent life for themselves. It's not wrong to try to make a decent life for oneself. And if you're one who tries to do the right thing, there should be nothing "shameful" about self-promotion. (and of course, i can see how it can go the other way as well, with people promoting things that i think they should be ashamed to promote... but not everyone is that guy ^^).

Anyway... i'm not trying to insist the guy is a saint or anything, i just think that it's possible lots of people are jumping to conclusions about him. He's been pretty much spot-on about quite a lot of things, from what i've seen. Then again, i haven't paid much attention in a while, because i didn't find his overly-stressful showmanship very entertaining. Most of what he talks about is pretty upsetting.

Also: i don't believe in "reptilians." If anything, i'd say that's a metaphor at best. But omfg what if i'm wrong? LOL...