Well-Known Member
ah.......the Patriarchy, misogyny, other key wordsMost children are abused by relatives. Quit blaming the women's liberation movement and the government for a problem that is primarily caused by men.
ah.......the Patriarchy, misogyny, other key wordsMost children are abused by relatives. Quit blaming the women's liberation movement and the government for a problem that is primarily caused by men.
ah.......the Patriarchy, misogyny, other key words
so our kids can be raised by strangers, that abuse them. again.........Uncle dissecting the family.
I am a veteran of the Iraq war.i know all of us americans have the right to speak our piece, our mind. how many of the patriots in this thread have actually fought for this country, sacrificed their lifestyle so we can all bitch like this? i'm in no way defending our representatives, imo, they all pretty much suk. who are we to say which prez. sux the worst? we elected these pieces of tripe. imo, there is no right choice anymore, and hasn't been in decades. it's down to which p.o.s. will do the least amount of damage, to the masses. seems like a poor mans choice to me...
i know all of us americans have the right to speak our piece, our mind. how many of the patriots in this thread have actually fought for this country, sacrificed their lifestyle so we can all bitch like this? i'm in no way defending our representatives, imo, they all pretty much suk. who are we to say which prez. sux the worst? we elected these pieces of tripe. imo, there is no right choice anymore, and hasn't been in decades. it's down to which p.o.s. will do the least amount of damage, to the masses. seems like a poor mans choice to me...
No. I think that we should build a society where the man that molests the child gets blamed for the molestation of a child, not a mother who wants a career. You want to blame women who want equal rights and the government instead of the perpetrator of the crime:
Our society is becoming post-nuclear family because women are reclaiming their rightful place as our equals. We will have to change our societies in the West to reflect this. Why do you think our patriarchal religions are growing weaker?
No. I think that we should build a society where the man that molests the child gets blamed for the molestation of a child, not a mother who wants a career. You want to blame women who want equal rights and the government instead of the perpetrator of the crime:
Our society is becoming post-nuclear family because women are reclaiming their rightful place as our equals. We will have to change our societies in the West to reflect this. Why do you think our patriarchal religions are growing weaker?
What are you proposing? To limit women's rights again? You can't bring the nuclear family back through legislation or keeping women down. The days of a stable nuclear family in America are long gone.but.......the extended nuclear family is the most stable, nurturing environment for children. you are what UN Agenda 21 is made of. our children will become the state's property, with that kinda thinkin.'
What the heck is UN Agenda 21?
you need to be scared of it.
I am getting the feeling that Don accidentally let it slip that he is from the xenophobic tin-hatters brigade of the right need to be scared of it.
The secret code name for Hillary Clinton.
I am getting the feeling that Don accidentally let it slip that he is from the xenophobic tin-hatters brigade of the right wing.
that was no accident. he's proud of it.
IQ of 176, too.
thank you for letting us know she scares you.
The Clintons are long time criminals.
Why doesn't that bother you?
are they gonna come kill me or something?
why do i need to be scared of them? last time bill was in office things were great.
why are you so scared?
xenophobe?I am getting the feeling that Don accidentally let it slip that he is from the xenophobic tin-hatters brigade of the right wing.
If you were involved in the Whitewater deal, they may just come and kill you.
Otherwise I'm scared about stupid voters.
Much like yourself.