what should be done with this plant??

what should I do with this plant?

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Well-Known Member
Ok so by day 7 which is today, all clones have roots busting out of the peat pellets. So that means 100% success rate. So if you want fast rooting clones, follow these steps...


Well-Known Member
I also want clones
If The mother of the clones you took was revegged the clones will have a loss in potency and if you clone those clones they will have a further loss in potentcy..will only happen with revegged Mother tho

I also want clones
I also want clones
Well I ended up topping halfway, added a tomato ring and mulch, and got 6 clones off of it, so I think I made a smart decision. I still have about 2 1/2 more months of veg outdoors here in daytona beach florida..View attachment 3180506


Well-Known Member
Its not really revegged. I dont know who said that. I didnt flower this plant, and then harvest , and then revegg. if thats what you are thinking, no. I planted it april 1 2014, it may have border line preflower but its just sexually mature and that can show sex without flowering.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I transplanted the 7 clones today, and gave them a light dose of my veg juice. Medium- oragnic.All 7 of these will be going into Flower on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
That mulch may fuck up your ph.

Also, that looks very much like a reveg, I dunno, I could be wrong.


Active Member
looking good!

I would bent that plant 90degrees using LST so that it sends up loads of shoots from along the length of the plant.. you're outdoors so bush it up!


Well-Known Member
looking good!

I would bent that plant 90degrees using LST so that it sends up loads of shoots from along the length of the plant.. you're outdoors so bush it up!
I did bend it 90°? I topped it and bent both new tops. Please read previous post before posting about something that was already discussed