Well-Known Member
I think it was on a cnn webpage and it was one of those ad choice boxes that appear on the righthand side. Usually it's something like a really old wrinkly lady with a pic of her magically 20 again saying something like "plastic surgeons hate her" and something about a beauty secret or some muscular dude who has some secret to working out
Usually I ignore them but one I saw last night absolutely raped my consciousness to the point I might need electroshock therapy or a labotomy! It was a grotesque image of some ladies legs and there were round depressions all over her kneecaps the size of marbles with lines in the middle and a few little bluish balls in a couple areas. Looked like a f@<king chinese checkers board and caption said 'ouch, do this never age again`. Knowing that I shouldn't click on those boxes but being completely dumbfounded and wondering just what sort of disgusting procedure it was I clicked it but it went to a totally irrelevant ad for mortgages. Subsquent web queries turned up no evidence of such a procedure.
I think that's the most disturbing part not knowing wtf it even was. I've resigned myself to believing it's completely fake and the machination of a evil consciousness raping entity. I have ptsd now my sis showed me faces of death movies and somehow that diveted kneecap is worse. I'm moving to a remote part of colorado this christmas where I bought 5acs deep in the woods and high in the mountains. There's nothing up there but national forests and mountains as far as the eye can see and nobody lives within eyesight of me either. I'Jl really be glad to get away from the internet I don't even know if I want to come back to this post that picture might come up as a reply!!!!!!
Usually I ignore them but one I saw last night absolutely raped my consciousness to the point I might need electroshock therapy or a labotomy! It was a grotesque image of some ladies legs and there were round depressions all over her kneecaps the size of marbles with lines in the middle and a few little bluish balls in a couple areas. Looked like a f@<king chinese checkers board and caption said 'ouch, do this never age again`. Knowing that I shouldn't click on those boxes but being completely dumbfounded and wondering just what sort of disgusting procedure it was I clicked it but it went to a totally irrelevant ad for mortgages. Subsquent web queries turned up no evidence of such a procedure.
I think that's the most disturbing part not knowing wtf it even was. I've resigned myself to believing it's completely fake and the machination of a evil consciousness raping entity. I have ptsd now my sis showed me faces of death movies and somehow that diveted kneecap is worse. I'm moving to a remote part of colorado this christmas where I bought 5acs deep in the woods and high in the mountains. There's nothing up there but national forests and mountains as far as the eye can see and nobody lives within eyesight of me either. I'Jl really be glad to get away from the internet I don't even know if I want to come back to this post that picture might come up as a reply!!!!!!