Well-Known Member
you gonna list any terror attacks here in the united states, libertydicking?
obuma's crimes are to numerous to list
you gonna list any terror attacks here in the united states, libertydicking?
If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die." -- Dt.13:6-10JIHAD IN THE "QURAN".
Allah orders Muslims in the Quran to terrorize non-Muslims on His behalf.
Maybe you should actually read the Bible...At least in the Bible we don't preach about killing anyone that doesn't believe in God.
That list of "terror" is debatable...the definition of terror must be broad if all of those "attacks" are considered equivalent.
june 8th 2014 in las vegas.When is the last time you heard of a christian terror attack ....
Christians have claimed responsibility for the attack.I actually agree, but even if you take away 99% of the listed , It's still a hell of a list , When is the last time you heard of a christian terror attack .... Im not saying it does not happen but one is obously much more common
First off their crime was not done in the name of christianty , and even if it was (which it was not) it is still well over 30 days old , the islam's have already buryed this under a mountain of violence ,, like shoting missles at a nuclear power plant in a heavly populated area of israeljune 8th 2014 in las vegas.
Frazier Glenn Cross was arrested on April 13th, 2014 and charged with murder in two shootings at Kansas City Jewish institutions that killed three people. Prosecutors also announced that they would seek federal hate crime charges. Cross has deep and public ties to the white supremacist movement and founded the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan as well as the White Patriot Party. Cross shouted Heil Hitler as he was arrested. He had posted more than 12,000 times on the extremist Vanguard News Network site.Christians have claimed responsibility for the attack.
Unheard of. off their crime was not done in the name of christianty , and even if it was (which it was not) it is still well over 30 days old
reported for not having a life.2014.06.26 Somalia Buulobarde 2 4 An al-Shabaab grenade attack on a hotel leaves two dead.
2014.06.26 Lebanon Beirut 0 3 A Saudi suicide bomber detonates at a hotel.
2014.06.26 Pakistan Mandi Bahauddin 1 0 A girl who marries without the permission of her conservative Muslim family is burned alive.
2014.06.26 Yemen Hadramawt 5 40 At least five others are killed when al-Qaeda militants attack an airport.
2014.06.26 Iraq Baghdad 22 49 A Sunni suicide bomber blows himself up at a Shiite market, slaughtering two dozen men, women and children.
2014.06.25 Libya Benghazi 3 7 Rafallah al-Sahati Islamists ambush and kill three local soldiers in a supply convoy.
2014.06.25 Iraq Hawija 4 0 Four civilians are kidnapped and murdered by al-Qaeda.
2014.06.25 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Fundamentalists fire into a shop selling alcohol, taking down three people.
2014.06.25 Nigeria Abuja 24 52 Islamists detonate a bomb in the middle of a shopping district, slaughtering nearly two dozen shoppers.
2014.06.25 Iraq Mahmudiyah 12 23 A suicide bombing is among a series of Mujahid attacks that leave a dozen dead.
2014.06.25 Iraq Kirkuk 5 20 Sunni set off a car bomb in a Kurdish area that claims five lives.
2014.06.25 Iraq Kirkuk 4 18 A suicide bomber detonates at a market entrance, killing four innocents.
2014.06.25 Nigeria Kabamu 30 0 Muslim terrorists murder thirty villagers.
2014.06.25 Libya Benghazi 1 2 A women's rights activist is murdered in her home by suspected elements of the Muslim Brotherhood.
2014.06.25 Nigeria Gani 9 0 Muslim terrorists murder nine villagers.
2014.06.25 Nigeria Hayin Kwanta 5 0 Muslim terrorists murder five villagers.
2014.06.25 Nigeria Naidu 16 0 Muslim terrorists murder sixteen villagers.
2014.06.25 Nigeria Dogon- Daji 21 0 Muslim terrorists murder twenty-one villagers.
2014.06.25 Nigeria Kobin 38 0 Muslim terrorists murder thirty-eight villagers.
2014.06.25 Nigeria Kabani 4 0 Muslim terrorists murder four villagers.
2014.06.24 Syria Homs 1 14 Jihadis set off a car bomb outside a candy shop, killing at least one person.
2014.06.24 Kenya Witu 11 0 Eleven people are hacked and shot to death at close range in a suspected al-Shabaab attack.
2014.06.24 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.06.24 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 3 A 3-year-old Palestinian girl is killed by a Hamas rocket.
2014.06.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is shot and set on fire by Muslim terrorists.
2014.06.24 Nigeria Ngohi 3 12 Boko Haram enter a village, kill three people and burn houses.
2014.06.24 Nigeria Kabamu 21 0 Twenty-one people are reported dead after an attack by Muslim terrorists.
2014.06.24 Nigeria Ankpong 17 0 Boko Haram attack a village and massacre seventeen.
2014.06.24 Pakistan Spinwam 3 0 Three others are murdered by a Ansarul Mujahideen suicide bomber.
2014.06.24 Afghanistan Herat 4 7 Taliban attackers in burqas produce four dead locals.
2014.06.24 Pakistan Manghopir 3 2 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder three people.
2014.06.24 Pakistan Darora 2 0 A man and woman are honor killed by her brother-in-law for being seen in an 'objectionable' position.
2014.06.24 Iran Kermanshah 3 0 Three border guards are killed by suspected Sunni terrorists.
2014.06.24 Nigeria Damboa 56 0 Over fifty security personnel and five civilians are machine-gunned point-blank at a checkpoint by Boko Haram.
2014.06.24 Iraq Rutba 12 0 Twelve victims of ISIL executions are discovered.
2014.06.24 Pakistan Peshawar 1 2 The Taliban are accused of firing on a civilian plane at an airport, killing a female passenger.
2014.06.23 Iraq Tarmiyah 6 0 Two women and three children are among a family of six exterminated in their home by sectarian Jihadis.
2014.06.23 Lebanon Beirut 1 25 A female suicide car bomber injures six people and kills one other at a World Cup viewing gathering.
2014.06.23 Iraq Babil 76 0 Activists fighting for an Islamic state ambush a convoy carrying prisoners and massacre over seventy.
2014.06.23 Pakistan Mamon Kanjan 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is honor killed by her uncle for having 'loose morals'.
2014.06.23 Nigeria Kano 8 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders eight students at a medical college.
2014.06.23 Iraq Kirkuk 15 0 Fifteen Shia are kidnapped and executed by Islamic State.
2014.06.23 Iraq Bashir 15 0 A woman is among fifteen Shiites captured and lynched by ISIL.
2014.06.22 Iraq Rawa 21 0 Twenty-one local leaders are executed by terrorists fighting for an Islamic state.
2014.06.22 Pakistan Quetta 3 0 An entire family is honor-killed by the woman's conservative brothers for marrying without their permission.
2014.06.22 Thailand Si Sakhon 2 5 Muslim terrorists ambush and kill two local security personnel.
2014.06.22 Nigeria Gwoza 3 3 A Shahid suicide car bomber rams a checkpoint and kills three policemen.
2014.06.22 Israel Golan Heights 1 3 Syrian terrorists kill an Israeli teen with a rocket fired over the border.
2014.06.22 Iraq Ramadi 8 13 A half-dozen mourners at a funeral are laid out by a Shahid
It's why we have the NSA and are fighting "useless wars" has been over a year since any muslims terrorist attack has been carried out in the united states.
the fair and balanced bible?
i remember a very prominent "born again christian" leading an unprovoked attack that left way more dead.What group of Christians ever pulled off a 9-11 attack?
citation neededi remember a very prominent "born again christian" leading an unprovoked attack that left way more dead.
about 125,000 civilians dead thanks to that peaceful "born again christian".
so was your birthMaybe you should actually read the Bible...
Blasphemy is a sin