Berkely, stealing another 2% from dispensaries


Well-Known Member
so then you've noticed the pattern?..both you and bucky called him out and he turns to me in a derogatory manner..kind of what he accuses liberals of doing.

note i called out don vega and now he's nowhere to be found.

why do republicans have a hard time admitting they are wrong with the facts staring them in the face?
Debates tend fizzle when you are right and they know it. A pattern for sure.

thump easy

Well-Known Member

Thanks Obama.
They cant have private industry controlling billion dollar market. So they tax up to 65% before it hits consumer hands. Anything that can be made profit will be diminished little by little by donating free meds or application and renewal fees...

It cannot be possible for normal people to open a store and become very successful. When the feds legalize it, the industry will come with all sorts of strings attached so only the big corporations who donate to politicians will be approved and prices outrageous then all this free stuff by law to be given out now will magically disappear.

The rich and politically connected get richer... the lower an middle class need to stay where they are.

Donate to polititions Lolz ;)


Well-Known Member
Sky gathered an army of women, Colored People, and gays, to set the world right, got chilly, it looked like it might rain, and no one offered to do the hard work for them, so it dispersed.