Ways Naggers Bother You

In case some of you think I am being racist,

My wife used to Nag me about every little thing.

So I made the habit, that whenever she started nagging at me I would click my tongue at her.

Such a simple motion, and yet such a powerful response. It pissed her off something fierce, but she stopped nagging eventually.
When we used to play Kill the Carrier in elementary school, we used to call a giant pile of kids all on top of each other a Nagger Pile. I still don't know why. No one was nagging, really.
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i hate the naggers who complain about nagger there the biggest naggers there like the dingle berry of naggers a naggers nagger if you will we have naggers like that here complaining about naggers but are naggers themselves they just cant see it but everyone else does .its funny they smell so bad and look worse i think its because the dirt shows easir on them you can usually find them next to a dumpster with a shopping cart and some beer.
I'm gonna be a little racist here myself and just say DAMN! I love the huge ass black guys they have working security!! Holy shit! That one guy is like 6'7! There is nobody these guys can't intimidate...