Make Marijuana Legal in Texas


Well-Known Member
Texas, California, New York and Florida are the linchpins. They made it illegal, at first, and the US Congress followed them. The US Congress will follow only those 4 States out of Prohibition.
I think NY has legislation in the works... Maybe?!

FL and TX don't have shit, but let's hope.

And Cali we'll see what they do

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
While it is sad that Texas is still governed by Rick Perry after 14 years and George Bush for four years before that. At least before THAT it was governed by Ann Richards. So there is hope for Texas.



Well-Known Member
AUSTIN, Texas -- The results of a new survey released this week suggests Texans are continuing to relax their attitudes toward marijuana.

A poll conducted by the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune between Feb. 7 and 17 suggests a whopping 77 percent of registered Texas voters believe in some form of legal marijuana.

According to the survey, 28 percent are comfortable with easing marijuana restrictions solely for medicinal use.

A full 49 percent of respondents said marijuana should be legal in some quantity, consisting of 32 percent who believe it should be legal in small amounts and 17 percent who believe it should be legal in any amount. Only 23 percent said marijuana should remain illegal in all cases.

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
That's awesome Doer! I guess one good thing about having spineless, mealy mouthed legislators who move in whatever direction the wind blows is that currently the wind is blowing in our direction.