Quick question on maxsea

It feeds microorganisms in your dirt!! It keeps what keeps the dirt healthy happy!
You are correct sir!
Many add it without knowing what it does. I was just testing you all. I think many still add to much molasses, I only add 1 teaspoon per gallon vs 1 tablespoon per gallon like most do. I only give my girls molasses twice during the veg season, then every other week during flowering. Veggiegardener put up a post a few years back about the BAD of using molasses. How the plant can't break down the complex sugars in molasses and he describes how to provide food for your "micro-beasties" not using molasses. Good read I learned a lot from his post.
You are correct sir!
Many add it without knowing what it does. I was just testing you all. I think many still add to much molasses, I only add 1 teaspoon per gallon vs 1 tablespoon per gallon like most do. I only give my girls molasses twice during the veg season, then every other week during flowering. Veggiegardener put up a post a few years back about the BAD of using molasses. How the plant can't break down the complex sugars in molasses and he describes how to provide food for your "micro-beasties" not using molasses. Good read I learned a lot from his post.
That's interesting I've always used a tablespoon and did it with all my feedings so I"m going overboard never really noticed any problems from it but then i again i have 5 gal buckets of stuff laying around so maybe that's why i always wanted to use it
download (5).jpg
As I recall, my post, regarding adding carbs to your nutrient mix, stated that it isn't necessary or beneficial unless the plant is starved for sugars. I grow my plants in raised beds that get large helpings of mulch/compost each season. Bacteria and earthworms convert this to a plentiful source of carbs. I don't believe molasses is a good replacement. The one season I used such products(in retrospect, probably too much) my plants became sickly late in veg, and produced less than expected. I've stuck with my mulching since and experienced excellent results. At this point, everybody seems sold on using these high priced products. If you're happy with the results don't let me stop you. I just think the science is a bit iffy. BTW, I was one of several to try those products that year(2008?) and none of us had positive results.
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