Flavoring your plant

El Duderino

Active Member
I dont know about flavor yet but I started using molasses in my water about 2 weeks ago and today I started to notice a real sugary smell in my room. It smells like cotton candy, sugar or maybe even vanilla. Its very pleasant and I cant wait to dry some out and taste it.

I had been watering once a day at a mix of 1 tablespoon of molasses to a gallon of water and upped it to 2 tablespoons per galllon 2 days ago. I still got about 5 more weeks of flowering left so Im gonna experiment and see how much i can get them to take by the time theyre ready for harvest also and also whether it adds flavor or not.
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Well-Known Member
so Im gonna experiment and see how much i can get them to take by the time theyre ready for harvest also and also whether it adds flavor or not.
This isn't a valid approach to see if sugar adds flavor or not. You need a certain amount of plants that do have sugar and then a control group without the sugar and grow the plants IDENTICALLY. You then have people sample the pot without telling them which one is which and if they can actually tell the difference then you're on to something otherwise you're just spinning your wheels as far as knowing for sure.

Even better, have someone else give out the pot and not tell the person giving out the pot which one is which. This is how you do a "double blind" study to see if this method actually works.

Et al. anecdotes are not evidence.


Well-Known Member
When I eventually get everything together I would be down for doing a small study like this. ^.^ It would be interesting to do and possibly start up a company that can base it's information on actual studies.


New Member
yeah im trying blueberry kool aid on mine but it gave the stem a little bit of a blue tent
why the fuck would you water your plant with blueberry koolaid???? you know how much chemicals and crap is in the koolaid mix??? your plants are not gainging anything with watering it with koolaid that is just plain retarded


Well-Known Member
Well if your gonna add flavoring why not add color too. When germinating add a few drops of food coloring to the water solution and see if it actually takes on the characteristics of the color. thought i would share that seeing as how i'm ripped.


Well-Known Member
i hear flushing with oj works? not sure if im going to try this but sounds intriguing


Active Member
Well if your gonna add flavoring why not add color too. When germinating add a few drops of food coloring to the water solution and see if it actually takes on the characteristics of the color. thought i would share that seeing as how i'm ripped.
another fugging idiot.....get off the stage fair boy....


New Member
This isn't a valid approach to see if sugar adds flavor or not. You need a certain amount of plants that do have sugar and then a control group without the sugar and grow the plants IDENTICALLY. You then have people sample the pot without telling them which one is which and if they can actually tell the difference then you're on to something otherwise you're just spinning your wheels as far as knowing for sure.

Even better, have someone else give out the pot and not tell the person giving out the pot which one is which. This is how you do a "double blind" study to see if this method actually works.

Et al. anecdotes are not evidence.

I hearby volunteer to be one of the "pot tasters". I have a very keen olfactory sense and sense of taste. If anyone could taste the difference it would be me :mrgreen:

But seriously folks, I want my weed to taste like weed. The good taste we used to get back in the 80's. There was some really fine tasting weed in those days. Nice skunky hit, yummy bongsmilie