Berkely, stealing another 2% from dispensaries


Well-Known Member
Is this the editorial "you" and "they" or are you calling me stubborn?[/QUOTE]
They were meant the same way you said them in the post I paraphrased.


Well-Known Member
there has never been a documented case of someone signing a W4 at the point of a gun.
People who want to provide for themselves do not need a gun pointed at them. They work because they don't want to leach off of someone else to survive.

The problem lies when these who are willing to work, are forced to provide for those who wont work. I'd rather pay for a truck to pick these types up off the side of the road, than to be forced to help keep them alive while they continue to do nothing for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Spandy, you are wasting your breath....Uncle Berkeley has a brain tumor, he can't help the rants and spews from his alcohol soaked brain. That's why he's an unemployed narcissistic drug dealer.


Well-Known Member
People who want to provide for themselves do not need a gun pointed at them. They work because they don't want to leach off of someone else to survive.

The problem lies when these who are willing to work, are forced to provide for those who wont work. I'd rather pay for a truck to pick these types up off the side of the road, than to be forced to help keep them alive while they continue to do nothing for themselves.
Does that include only welfare recipients or do I get lumped into the leech category?


Well-Known Member
People who want to provide for themselves do not need a gun pointed at them. They work because they don't want to leach off of someone else to survive.

The problem lies when these who are willing to work, are forced to provide for those who wont work. I'd rather pay for a truck to pick these types up off the side of the road, than to be forced to help keep them alive while they continue to do nothing for themselves.
sounds like you want to death panel the indigent. how christian of you.

where does white separatism fit into your christianity?


Well-Known Member
Even though your Mother failed to even emit a "O.....G.....I'.........finished ", you are a perfect example of abortions gone wrong.


Well-Known Member
It is all White Trash thinking. Blacks don't hate whites for no reason. They had no experience of it until the lash.
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Well-Known Member
It is all White Trash thinking. Blacks don't hate whites for no reason. They has no experience of it until the lash.
who cares what blacks think(it's not much) they were given the best chance at success because their great great grand parents were brought here to do something productive. they can all go back to africa and I'm sure they will bitch about their mud huts and famines cuz they are too ignorant to create the technology that would feed their own people. I mean come the fuck on it's 2014 the plans for a water pump are all over the internet but all they can have figured out is to upload twerk or fight videos to worldstar. so whitey has to go into the heart of darkness still just so they can get water out of their own ground.


Well-Known Member
Who cares what you think? (less than nothing)
you are so guilty of being white. lulz they are in a way better position in our country than if they were left alone in africa with their tribal leaders who are willing to sell them for rum... oh wait i was wrong they figured out the cure to aids over there. you just go and fuck virgins. lolz modern africa. I mean the blacks can get a new pair of jordans every week over here. maybe if they stopped spending an extra 1000 a month on designer clothes that were designed by whitey they would be able to fix their neighborhoods. that and they would also have to stop selling crack to their family members.


Well-Known Member
you are so guilty of being white. lulz they are in a way better position in our country than if they were left alone in africa with their tribal leaders who are willing to sell them for rum... oh wait i was wrong they figured out the cure to aids over there. you just go and fuck virgins. lolz modern africa. I mean the blacks can get a new pair of jordans every week over here. maybe if they stopped spending an extra 1000 a month on designer clothes that were designed by whitey they would be able to fix their neighborhoods. that and they would also have to stop selling crack to their family members.
When the ruined generations finally got Liberia as a USA supported homeland, they were already so White Trash, they immediately picked up the slave trade.

And White Trash around the world, said, "see these darkies ain't no good."
And other White Trash, Arab looking fuckers said, "see this proves Africans are only good for slaves."

It is just over your head. If I beat the shit out of you, every day, I can gave you head injuries.

Then I could laugh at how stupid you are. I could raise you in a hole and put you on stage as a feral animal.

You are not smart enough to get this, is all. When Nigerian Jihad links up with Kill the Christian Honky...well see the world today.