Do Not Buy Feminized Seed!


Well-Known Member
That sounds awesome man, congratulations!

Last year my wife and I finally bought our first house out in the middle of no-where. 40 acres in the middle of the woods and a log cabin, 20 acres of field to work. I destroyed a 2013 Can am outlander max making trails through the woods, lol! It still runs great though looks like it went through a war though.

Closest neighbor is a 1/2 mile away... We're loving it. =)

My wife and I were talking about getting a camp on the water, and then we were like "uh, why would we get a camp that was surrounded by people?"

So, we're getting a boat instead. LOL!

Burnt Reynolds

Well-Known Member

Fems are way more likely to herm, read a few journals and grow some of your own and there's no denying it.
Growing for 2 years isn't very long. And reading a few journals on the net doesn't count as experience. How many experimental crosses have you made hitting a plant from feminized stock with herm pollen? I've done a few and grew out the results and found very low numbers of hermaphrodites. My results are real, not hypothetical scenarios and cobbled together theories from the net. I've made standard crosses using males too and have grown lots of real breeders reg and feminized seeds over the years. I know the score dude. Regs are just as likely to herm as fems if one or both of the parents carry the trait.


Well-Known Member
Growing for 2 years isn't very long. And reading a few journals on the net doesn't count as experience. How many experimental crosses have you made hitting a plant from feminized stock with herm pollen? I've done a few and grew out the results and found very low numbers of hermaphrodites. My results are real, not hypothetical scenarios and cobbled together theories from the net. I've made standard crosses using males too and have grown lots of real breeders reg and feminized seeds over the years. I know the score dude. Regs are just as likely to herm as fems if one or both of the parents carry the trait.

SMOOOOCCHMoooahhh!!! I love you.

That's something that people don't understand.... Male plants, will produce female seeds, if crossed with a "like female", the results of which, may be PHENOMENAL! Even if you breed in the hermie trait, it can be bred out, or at the least make it so far back in the genetic code that it rarely reveals itself unless under significant stress.

The way I always look at it is, if it's fresh seed, I will get like 65-70% female to male, sometimes better than that. As the seed gets older the ratio diminishes. The ratio is not perfect however, as I also account for 5% hermies.

Not to mention those ones that piss me off that grow short, stubby, FAT and then pop out male flowers like a homosexual at a rainbow parade.

(Sorry, if it's annoying, but, I think after I type and then adjust what I wrote accordingly)
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Well-Known Member
That sounds awesome man, congratulations!

Last year my wife and I finally bought our first house out in the middle of no-where. 40 acres in the middle of the woods and a log cabin, 20 acres of field to work. I destroyed a 2013 Can am outlander max making trails through the woods, lol! It still runs great though looks like it went through a war though.

Closest neighbor is a 1/2 mile away... We're loving it. =)

My wife and I were talking about getting a camp on the water, and then we were like "uh, why would we get a camp that was surrounded by people?"

So, we're getting a boat instead. LOL!
i wish i had 40 acres
but on the brightside im surrounded by logging land and lots of it so plenty of places to sneak off and hunt
the guy that owns it said he makes 7-10 k just off of watermelons normally
he got one of those jobs where you move/fly off and just buy another house and car
makes bank
if i could only be so lucky lol id love to pull 150k a year

so i figure if i dont press my luck to hard i can have a outdoor crop of my special tomatoes
maybe do pumpkins for halloween should get paid off pretty quick


Well-Known Member
i wish i had 40 acres
but on the brightside im surrounded by logging land and lots of it so plenty of places to sneak off and hunt
the guy that owns it said he makes 7-10 k just off of watermelons normally so i figure if i dont press my luck to hard i can have a outdoor crop of my special tomatoes
maybe do pumpkins for halloween should get paid off pretty quick

LOL! That's what I am growing is pumpkins...


Well-Known Member
LOL! That's what I am growing is pumpkins...
lol thats cool how hard are they ?
im in coon ass land state record is only 800 lbs or so so i guess they do ok but i know they get alot bigger else where so i would assume they like the colder weather


Well-Known Member
watermelons are easy out here
aslong as they come in by the 4th of july you'll sell out @ 6 bucks a pop it aint hard to make money


Well-Known Member
i played hell getting my positronics purple haze #1 to hermi while using CS
it was a fem seed so it should of just jumped right on the hermi wagon
This shows a fundamental lack of understanding about feminized pollen made by spraying a female plant with CS. Expression of a genetic trait is NOT the same as chemically forcing a female to produce pollen.


Well-Known Member
silver binds to the copper in the plant tricking it into thinking its male ........
think ive got it thank you for clearing that up for me :D


Well-Known Member
silver binds to the copper in the plant tricking it into thinking its male ........
think ive got it thank you for clearing that up for me :D
Spraying with colloidal silver inhibits the production of ethylene which is necessary for female flower production. Not being able to produce flowers under reduced hours of light eventually causes the female to produce pollen sacs which contain ONLY female genes and will produce ONLY female plants from a stable line.


Well-Known Member
lol thats cool how hard are they ?
im in coon ass land state record is only 800 lbs or so so i guess they do ok but i know they get alot bigger else where so i would assume they like the colder weather

I planted a "Semi-traditional" american indian mound. I took my tractor and bucket loaded a big mound of dirt up, and then planted pumpkins, beans, peppers and corn. The beans use the corn as a bean pole and also give nitrogen to the corn and pumpkins.

We had a drought at first planting so everything was fubar for a bit, and then we got the rains, and WHAMMO! Everything is taking off like no tomorrow.

I've not done a thing other than pull out weeds that have gotten to big around the peppers and corn. The peppers aren't doing so hot.

The catnip is going NUTS! =) My cats will be very happy.

This week sometime we gotta go down and talk to the John Deere guy and get a nice new "lawn mower/garden tiller general purpose puller, etc etc), 2025 tractor. I intend on doing some serious gardening next year....
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Well-Known Member
Spraying with colloidal silver inhibits the production of ethylene which is necessary for female flower production. Not being able to produce flowers under reduced hours of light eventually causes the female to produce pollen sacs which contain ONLY female genes and will produce ONLY female plants from a stable line.
Uh, right, which is why you want to make sure you start with a known female to begin with. This way you're not passing the damn hermie trait on down the line in your "feminized" seeds. Which is why some folks take up to 6 months to stress their plants to see if the hermaphrodite genetic will come forth.


Well-Known Member
To be frank, I am not an expert at all of this, I have NO idea how CS or Gibberillic acid works with the plant to bring fourth male flowers. I just know it works, and the end result is not hermaphroditic.

Mostly I have heard all sorts of stuff that it does, but have never personally seen any scientific solid evidence of how it works.


Well-Known Member
To be frank, I am not an expert at all of this, I have NO idea how CS or Gibberillic acid works with the plant to bring fourth male flowers. I just know it works, and the end result is not hermaphroditic.

Mostly I have heard all sorts of stuff that it does, but have never personally seen any scientific solid evidence of how it works.
gibb is a actual hormone found in plants no idea how it works
CS is pretty straight forward
copper or silver determines sex in cannabis basically ( im sure ill get another text book lecture from that comment)
the " ethylene production " is directly influenced by the silver bonding to the copper >.>
which makes me wonder what would happen if you sprayed a male with colloidal copper

H.M. Murdoch

Well-Known Member
I've never used anything BUT fem seeds, and I've had only ONE hermie in 20 grows over a 7 year period.

Fem seeds, by REPUTABLE BREEDERS, have arrived. And they're here to stay. Thank goodness.

I know that the "snobby weed growing purists" will never accept them. But just like indoor plumbing, lights at Wrigley field, and cell phones, they represent an advancement that works well.

I can't imagine trying to fool with regular seeds. Unless I was trying to breed.

Stay with regular seeds if you want. And keep watching those black-and-white movies, wiping your butt with corn cobs and magazine pages, walking outside to use the bathroom, etc. :)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ben ,Tekd
Youse guys are a hoot.
Ripped, blasted, etc.

I've been bugging one of the breeders I mentioned in my first post for this Landrace Sativa for some years.
For my birthday last year,,,,I got a sack o beans with a note to be on the look out for a long asked for gift.
The beans were to be a specific strain, Indica dom and low and behold this lovely Sativa came out of them.
Sour,stanky, dankness......It looked right,,,,smelled right,,,,,so I gave a bud the seed "treatment".
DAMN good thing I did as it was the SHIT!

Nothing like being awake and having a good conversation with a few friends, then all of a sudden,,,,in the middle of a sentence,,,,,you fucking totally forget what the hell you were talking about. You start to laugh, they start to laugh,,,,,,and no one can remember what was so funny!!!!

Now that's old school Sativa.
That sounds awesome man, congratulations!

Last year my wife and I finally bought our first house out in the middle of no-where. 40 acres in the middle of the woods and a log cabin, 20 acres of field to work. I destroyed a 2013 Can am outlander max making trails through the woods, lol! It still runs great though looks like it went through a war though.

Closest neighbor is a 1/2 mile away... We're loving it. =)

My wife and I were talking about getting a camp on the water, and then we were like "uh, why would we get a camp that was surrounded by people?"

So, we're getting a boat instead. LOL!
Damn it! I'm in a tiny 2 bed apartment and wanting to buy an acre block of land, after reading this that's never gona be big enough LOL

Growing for 2 years isn't very long.

Whoah. Not trying to get into an epenis contest here, I'm no veteran, nor am I a noob anymore.
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