Tiny White Bugs


Well-Known Member
Hey bud, looks like a possible spider mite. Just get some pestiside and water it down then spray the plant, they should disappear. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Spider mites are red and extremely tiny. I can't see shit from those pix, but I can tell you that if you want to keep it pesticide free, try diatomaceous earth. It cuts up soft-bodied bugs something fierce.


Well-Known Member
you could try mixing a tablespoon of dish soap with a tablespoon or cayenne pepper and a few cloves of garlic in a gallon of water in a blender and then strain it and spray that on might work or go out and buy some bug spray


Well-Known Member
I can't really see them. You could/should check mealy bugs and white flies.
I don't see mites at all.
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Well-Known Member
I dont think you have a spidermite problem there atleast from those pics.Are there web like material on the plant anywhere, especially near the lower stock?


Well-Known Member
No, not really... it doesnt look like they are harming the plant... i mixed some pesticide with water and sprayed them multiple times.. they are not disappearing..if they aren't harming them, i guess its fine


Active Member
what is diatomaceous earth anyways???? I've heard stories of my mom putting crushed egg shells in her soil to harm any bugs roaming around in there.


Well-Known Member
i believe its like some sort of crushed sea shell its like little razor blades to soft bodied wormy things that crawl across the soil to reak havoc on your plants


Well-Known Member
nice first post:roll: 3 months late and thrs nothing about flying insects in this thread... if you had a problem with fungus gnats then the yellow sticky traps work well