Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Yea I narrowed it down to zinc. Magnesium, or an iron deficiency. .. I think my ph is to high....locking something out!!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I give her a gallons worth of maxsea a week . I foliar feed once a week with seaweed extract and also give them Cal mag...that's why I'm thinking ph problem.....idk it makes sense in my head ....


Well-Known Member
I give her a gallons worth of maxsea a week . I foliar feed once a week with seaweed extract and also give them Cal mag...that's why I'm thinking ph problem.....idk it makes sense in my head ....
Maybe ph. Or salt build up? I had nute lock out when I was feeding my plants every other day and not flushing or getting very much run off. Not sure in your case though. I never ph my water either but I usually flush once a week and water with a good amount of runoff.

Yours are in the ground though correct?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Maybe ph. Or salt build up? I had nute lock out when I was feeding my plants every other day and not flushing or getting very much run off. Not sure in your case though. I never ph my water either but I usually flush once a week and water with a good amount of runoff.

Yours are in the ground though correct?
Yes sir they are in the ground. In some ocean forest. .

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
mr sunshine it looks like you also might have a bit of PM showing up.....good luck
Thanks ....I'll keep a close eye on them brother. ..I had some spidermites that left little speks everywhere...and I foliar fed this morning so they are a little wet/dusty /dried up... but ill definitely monitor them should I hit them with some neem oil...
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