Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Yea every Thursday I give each plan a gallon of water to get the roots wet then I give them another gallon with a tbs of max sea and a tea spoon of Cal that we are talking about this its all coming back to me . I think I fucked up last week it was the first week I used Cal mag. I used a 5 gallon bucket I think I put the amount of Cal mag your supposed to use for one it was hella short...and the plant that's affected is the biggest strongest one it may just be hungry....hopefully! I also water threw out the week as needed!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks ....I'll keep a close eye on them brother. ..I had some spidermites that left little speks everywhere...and I foliar fed this morning so they are a little wet/dusty /dried up... but ill definitely monitor them should I hit them with some neem oil...
Neem should take care of any PM issues....


Well-Known Member
So I've been monitoring this little guy for a few days now, finally got some shots of it. I don't know if it's good or bad, but it's been growing steadily, always walking around the same plant, on it's different branches. I noticed it leaks sometimes over the leaves, leaving a white like stain over them, but they don't witter or nothing. I believe it might be eating other little bugs, but I don't know. There was another bug that behaved alike, but I can't find it anymore. I'd like to know what the fuck this is tho :fire::eyesmoke::dunce:



Well-Known Member
So I've been monitoring this little guy for a few days now, finally got some shots of it. I don't know if it's good or bad, but it's been growing steadily, always walking around the same plant, on it's different branches. I noticed it leaks sometimes over the leaves, leaving a white like stain over them, but they don't witter or nothing. I believe it might be eating other little bugs, but I don't know. There was another bug that behaved alike, but I can't find it anymore. I'd like to know what the fuck this is tho :fire::eyesmoke::dunce:
looks like some kind of assassin bug. I'd google it and try to find out exactly what one though anyway you shake it they're killers of other bugs. Some are able to hurt humans pretty good too so be careful.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's an assassin bug. Apparently that one is beneficial cause it's eating other pests. I googled pics of harmful ones, they call kissing bugs, and we have them here too, I actually got bit by one this year (no chagas tho), they look different and are all brown. Didn't knew they was family :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Yea every Thursday I give each plan a gallon of water to get the roots wet then I give them another gallon with a tbs of max sea and a tea spoon of Cal that we are talking about this its all coming back to me . I think I fucked up last week it was the first week I used Cal mag. I used a 5 gallon bucket I think I put the amount of Cal mag your supposed to use for one it was hella short...and the plant that's affected is the biggest strongest one it may just be hungry....hopefully! I also water threw out the week as needed!
How often do you water in between feedings? every day, every other?


Well-Known Member
Little cannabis bouquet for the wife haha. Should be some easy trimming haha 2 colas total.

Say goodnight to the ladies. They goin sleep. Some are starting to CANNAbilize themselves. This was expected in the small pots though. They need to be watered twice a day but my schedule does not permit a second watering until the evening. By 3 pm they have drank all the water from the 6am watering. I am not able to water them until after 5pm. Oh well, they are still frosty and dense for the most part. Hopefully they stay that way. If the yellowing moves onto the sugar leaves I will just chop those plants early.