False. You wrongly stated the following
double false you dimwit.
israel's militatry occupation is WELL within the bounds of the pertinent portions of the geneva convention.
why hasnt anyone been dragged before the hague yet? cuz the accusations of "war crimes" are coming from WAR CRIMINALS who are in fact only making thae claims because they are getting their asses kicked and they want outside help.
I was correcting one of your many errors. The context of the discussion was in reference to the three protocols that make up the 4th Geneva Convention, NOT, the Geneva Protocol. Please keep up.
ohh so now when you falsely claim i stated "the geneva convention was a un resolution" you were REALLY just correcting my mistakes...
i see.
you were only lying because you thought i said something i didnt and you felt a lie would correct my imaginary error.
good work dipshit, you sound smarter every day.
That doesn’t strengthen your argument. How you project your outward manifestations aren’t relevant to this discussion. Please remember accusing me of being a "insert ad hominem" is the typical move of a moron who cant argue on the issue and instead creates a fiction on which to hang his ad hominems
thats not an ad hominem, it is an observation based on clearly evidenced facts.
you are profoundly retarded (see above), dim witted (see your collected works) mentally handicapped (inabiltity to read and comprehend simple statements) and micro-cephallic (big words you not understand)
an ad hominem is the use of attacks against the person to fallaciously attempt to refute an argument.
i have been refuting your arguments left and right quite handily, while my observations on your obvious mental handicaps are simply colour commentary.
The implication in post #89 indicates otherwise.
rational people cannot be held responsible for what morons infer from clear and unambiguous statements.
there was no such implication, all that shit happened inside you own tiny, tiny pointed head.
Yes they have you’re too stupid and/or blinded by religion to see otherwise. Your thinking is in line with those you detest – IRONY!
spies and sabotuers who attack civilian targets schools hosp[itals and neighborhoods without uniforms, by putting bombs in the backpacks of retarded kids are the perpetrators of Crimes Against Humantiy, the israelis dont do that shit, only your buddies the "palestinians" and their supporters, who coincidentally are also sandland frootloops, do that shit.
The only fool here is the moron making statements like this
yeah i can see where you might feel accurate statements are unfair to you and your agenda since your entirte argument is just a tissue of lies.
sadly for you, i dont give a squirt of piss about your feelings, or how unfair you think it is for me to make factual statements when you cant provide any for your own position.
all arguments are not created equal, some are made of bullshit and lies (like yours) and others are firmly grounded in fact (like mine)
that you have chosen to stand on a mound of crap to shout your nonsense, does not require me to similarly handicap myself.
Yet if it was rephrased to substitute “Palestine” for “Israel” and “Palestinian” for “Israeli” it would be considered anti-semetic and offensive. Another double standard. Thanks for playing.
and if wishes was horses we would all be eating steak.
your above statement makes NO FUCKING SENSE
the jews DID get overrrun by the hadjis, and WERE forced out of their homeland for centuries while the towel heads turned their "land of milk and honey" into a dung heap.
the jews are back in israel now (even if it is only a small portion of it) and they are not gonna be driven out by fools like you or your buddies in hamas and hezzbollah.
you just arent strong enough to do the job.
the jews have been toughened by centuries of pogrom persecution and diaspora, the towelheads have no chance, not even if they get fools like you to repeat their lies for them.