IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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I picked up 7 count 180w joyhydro ufo for $114.

At that price, you can't hardly go wrong.

But, JoyHydroGrow has a particularly bad reputation. Similar to HydroGrowLED: some people have JHG lights and they're happy with the results. But, the owner (Michael Sunny) has a reputation for screwing people. Things like sending defective lights, then stalling the eBay dispute process until the buyer is out of options. Cancelling auctions after the buyer commits to buy, encouraging the buyer to continue with the sale (without eBay/PayP protections).

A fellow posted his experience on AFN and ICmag. In Cammie (HGL) style, Sunny (or someone with an interest in protecting JHG's reputation) created a new-user account at both sites and began pretending he's a NorCal grower with 25 years of experience, who absolutely loves his JoyHydro lights. When asked to point us to a profile (at other sites) with more than 1 post history, he disappeared.

Another report of a buyer who missed 2 delivery attempts. Delivery service contacted Sunny to ask what to do. He said to discard the shipment, then held the buyer responsible for not accepting delivery (or, not having product to return).

Not a bad deal if it works out for you. But, if anything starts to go wrong, don't hesitate to initiate the dispute resolution process. If you let him string you along he'll end up offering you 30 cents on the dollar (and you get to keep the light. Otherwise, ship it back to China).
he also built the rockets the Americans first flew to the moon in and established in the space race and became an american citzen in 1955.
1st part: so.......[I know who he is]

2nd part: Which consisted of "testing" the results initially in concentration camps of the III Reich.

Why does he get a free pass, when the guard in Philly has been wrought through the coals last week.
Today was the day to buy LEDs off ebay, tuesday of all days. There were like 30 lamps all on sale in about a 4 hour period. I picked up 7 count 180w joyhydro ufo for $114. I fully expect them to be the cheapest, most failure-prone lamps pumped off an assembly line, but at that price I couldn't resist. Should be the perfect supplement for a 600w metal halide, just using 2 or 3 at a time and when they fail who cares, they were only $14 a piece.

I've seen some interesting lamps go through, like an ION prototype 8 for $150, or 3 apollo 280w for $120. LED's are a popular item right now it would seem.

I have a philosophy that modern history is nothing more than a controlled experiment. Everything put into the consumption of the general public is placed there purposefully in order to reinforce a methodology of beliefs. The same exact people have been playing as both sides of every conflict since the beginning of exactly detailed recorded history, and probably started before then. In the year 2001 though, it became a whole new stage because of the advent of instant telecommunication technology. That's when the game began anew, so to speak. Referring to events that occurred before 2001 should be viewed with the same cynicism as the tightly and obviously controlled historical world events taking place in front of you in your own current lifetimes. The only thing that's changed is the method of transmitting data, and it's speed.

I saw 180w's for sale @ 76 +10 shipping a week ago. Probably still there.

[Edit} $75 + free shipping

P.S. think about culture in general, or self image, like when a brain trauma patient comes out the other side as something else. most "crazy" people are fascinating in this regard as they are able to cloak themselves initially....culture isn't really part of the vocabulary for some....or a thought process.....we are all slaves to something, but would you rather be a slave for something tangible or something shiny?
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if he was apart of the killing im pretty sure America wouldn't have allowed him in the country. that's why war criminals we executed. but whatever....

Uh huh, feel good story. He tortured prisoners at Dachau while building our space program. Of course American doesn't let the bad guys in!!!!!

We also didn't gas our sailors purposely during Vietnam with Agent Orange. Cuz the good ole government would never do that to us, schucks.

Thanks for the laugh. When posting quotes, its probably good to know the back story otherwise you look like an under educated hick, but thats just imho.
This only applied to the 9.5watt versions, glad they did put out a 18 watt version though :)

From what I can gather, the 5000k's are also showing as 433Xk according to ledbenchmark

That may explain why they are great for vegging by themselves and not to shabby even for flowering either. I think more should use a mix in flower, if you go that route.
Got one of my Apollo's today. Not one of the fancier models, but one that looks kinda like a Vipar. I'm now a certified LED grower, and it feels good man. lol. Shit's unbelievably bright considering it's just a bunch of 3w's. I know I made the right decision going with LED's over HID, 2 of 'em is gonna flood my tiny closet with so much light just perfectly. Really pleased, thanks again for all the great suggestions from you fine forum-folk.

huh, i never realized sunlight was a sickly shade of green.
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Well I gotta tell somebody about this crap I've just dealt with.

So a month ago I go to tend my caregiver's plants for a few days and happen to notice he's overwatering them to the point where they're actually dying. These poor tortured plants have been alive since January, were flowered twice when he messed up the light cycle, had never been even remotely tended to. We're talking plants twisted around other plants and plants that are totally dead just left to rot standing next to growing plants.

I spent about 6 hours just doing basic things for the plants, the best I could do to remove dead vegetation, untie and remove plants that had been twisted around each other, everything I could think of. I tell this guy (yes he's a blood relative) 3 different ways he's killing the plants with water, in writing, on the phone, in person. I wrote a little tag and duct-taped it to the pot saying 'Plant is Overwatered'. I'm pretty explicit too, saying 'really let them dry out since harvest is soon', 'marijuana likes really dry, light, airy soil' etc. you get the picture.

I go back two days ago to Harvest with him, and every plant is withered and dead. The only reason they're even standing is because he's got them strapped to the walls. None of the buds are even half-finished, and there's no trichomes visible to the naked eye, no crystals whatsoever. The damndest thing is this guy is happier than a new puppy, like he's just done the greatest thing in the world for me.

I told him the plants were drowned. I spent the next several hours with him explaining every fucking thing I know in my vast pool of knowledge on the symptoms of overwatering, the dangers, the best ways to avoid it, everything. We transplant the new plants I'd been vegging into their 5 gallon buckets with the super soil concoction I got from this forums and I leave.

The dude, the first thing he does after I'm gone, is water those fucking plants. Right before their dark cycle. I don't know how, but I got this sense that something was wrong, and I get there the next day at the crack of dawn to discover the plants he's had for less than 24 hours are already stressed to hell with the exact same fuckery he just got through killing all my plants with after I've done every possible thing I could do or say to try to get him to stop killing my plants with too much water.

Flip out, smash his stupid water can, throw my plants into some bins and take them back. I'da smashed him too if he'da been there, probably. I was angry a little bit. Anyway, it's a hard way to get confirmation of the fact the people who raised who are in fact retarded and there's nothing that anyone can do about it. Stupidity is a cage you can't get free of, ever.

Well it's out of his hands now and they're back where they belong, recovering. Thankfully my LED got here on the same day I really started needing it. Other than all this clownishness detailed here, everything else is going like clockwerk. :cuss:
Help Please: Here is what I want to do. Right now I have 3 CFL's totaling equivalent 400 watts. One of the 100 watt bulbs died. Can I put one of the 5000k LED's in from the home depot link? Im up to flowering stage. It probably going to happen in a week or 2. Thanks.
Help Please: Here is what I want to do. Right now I have 3 CFL's totaling equivalent 400 watts. One of the 100 watt bulbs died. Can I put one of the 5000k LED's in from the home depot link? Im up to flowering stage. It probably going to happen in a week or 2. Thanks.
^^^f you're flowering, get something with more red in it like this:

You might need 2. I'm not that familiar with these bulbs. Search for captainmorgan and find his bulb thread. Good Luck.
NUB question, I want to get into the LED and with everything on the market have not decided what to go with. I plan on going with a 4 x 4 tent and want to get the most out of it. I will be cloning going for short plants little to no veg time to start and plan to run a perpetual cycle 3 aero or flood every three to four weeks. For lights I have my ideas about two Kessil 350M, and Advanced Platinum Series DS200. With the total bill on light over 800 I am concerned about the investment. I am all about getting good quality and know in the long run it way pay off but at this price can I get into it cheaper and similar results using fixtures on ebay assuming most are drop shipped from china I am concerned quality and results. 3 of these lights on ebay could pull similar results at half the cost. I am interested in the new stuff and whats working for the all the experienced out there. 5W vs 3W or the lens etc.

Can anyone clarify that these lights rival the 350 HPS or 400 HPS counterparts or a cheaper solution that can do the same thing. The advanced seems to have the best looking light pattern in comparison to the other plants but is this required for MJ flowering. I also like the solution for the kessil being it concentrates the LED into a uniform beam. FOR THE WILLING, NEED SOME GUIDANCE AND EVERY PENNY MUST COUNT. CHEERS!!



but at this price can I get into it cheaper and similar results using fixtures on ebay assuming most are drop shipped from china I am concerned quality and results.

Nice find on that 300w (180w actual) eBay light for $100. I wouldn't have high hopes, but for $100, I'd be willing to try one. Chinese lights don't get a lot of love around here. But, I'm running an Apollo 4 with custom spectrum (based upon Grow Northern's Rebel module) and it's working great.

You said you understand long-term value. I recommend Area 51. Lifetime warranty and ability to upgrade your lights as technology evolves, spectrum improves, etc. They publish spectrum/ratio, even LED part numbers. Refreshing when so many others use their "proprietary spectrum" as a selling point.

I'd stay away from a lot of the stuff in between, which is rebranded Chinese stuff sold at a premium (with "secret spectrum" hyperbole).
How does anyone find anything on this thread? Its a bunch of people arguing... This is definitely not a place for a newbie to go to find lights... fuck this I'm going to youtube
Question: was looking at various LEDs, noticed two versions of cree cxa30xx, "2-step" and "4-step." Wtf is that?


Edit: 2 is better than 4, 4 is better than 2, glass is half empty, glass is half full......I would be okay with 4 step [i.e. 4 different pieces may have slightly different color differences from another in same bin.] might be a better guarantee of a fuller spectrum, especially in the green, yellow range....:)
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