I need help germinating beans


Well-Known Member
i havent germinated seeds in years. i generally just plant them in moist soil and they pop up within 2-3 days and then its 12 weeks of maintenance and excitement / cloning and utter disappointment that i didnt yield 5000 pounds cause thats how it goes. even if u manage to get a pound per plant u somehow find a way to disappoint yourself lol. (maybe thats just me)


Well-Known Member
i havent germinated seeds in years. i generally just plant them in moist soil and they pop up within 2-3 days and then its 12 weeks of maintenance and excitement / cloning and utter disappointment that i didnt yield 5000 pounds cause thats how it goes. even if u manage to get a pound per plant u somehow find a way to disappoint yourself lol. (maybe thats just me)
Iv grown many many plants indoors and outdoors I know what I'm in for haha, Iv only grown from seed 5 times tho everything else has been clones from my own plants or clones off a friends plants


Well-Known Member
Iv friend many many plants indoors and outdoors I know what I'm in for haha, Iv only grown for seed 5 times tho everything else has been clones from my own plants or clones off a friends plants
Agreed. I buy my seeds from The Single Seed Centre and then i clone off my seeds. cloning has low success rate for me generally, so i upgraded all my cloning equipment recently to see if it helps and i switched from rockwool cubes to rapid rooter plugs. we'll see how it goes in about 5 weeks ill be pulling clones off my current 5 plants. if i get 4 clones from each plant thats 20 new plants (although i doubt i will get 100% success rate)


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I buy my seeds from The Single Seed Centre and then i clone off my seeds. cloning has low success rate for me generally, so i upgraded all my cloning equipment recently to see if it helps and i switched from rockwool cubes to rapid rooter plugs. we'll see how it goes in about 5 weeks ill be pulling clones off my current 5 plants. if i get 4 clones from each plant thats 20 new plants (although i doubt i will get 100% success rate)
For my clones I use little jiffy pucks, take the cutting put straight into water (don't want the cut in the air for long) I lightly scrape one side if the stem, dip into an extremely cheap root hormone powder from my local hardware store press into the jiffy and squeeze the jiffy around the stem, put under a humidity dome and under a 24w cool white cfl (works for about 8 clones no worries) and I just mist every 12-24 hours untill I see roots coming out the jiffy puck then I just transfer the whole puck into my medium
I havnt had a clone die on me yet


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I buy my seeds from The Single Seed Centre and then i clone off my seeds. cloning has low success rate for me generally, so i upgraded all my cloning equipment recently to see if it helps and i switched from rockwool cubes to rapid rooter plugs. we'll see how it goes in about 5 weeks ill be pulling clones off my current 5 plants. if i get 4 clones from each plant thats 20 new plants (although i doubt i will get 100% success rate)
Are you a soil-less grower


Well-Known Member
Told u soooo!!!!
It must be the cold temperatures around here at this time of the year (middle of winter) making things go so slow
Once it establishes and grows a few sets of leaves how cold can it be, at the moment it's in my room but once it get about 6 inches tall it will need to go out to my grow box in the shed in the yard so the temperatures will be a bit colder about 13-16c at night will she be alright just slow? How cold can cannabis handle


Well-Known Member
Not great generally speaking mj doesn't like it below 20 c so in saying that it will either kill her or I would imagine severely stunt her grow (this is not fact)mearly an opinion.


Well-Known Member
Its 13-16c at night without the lights on, even tho cfl's don't put out much heat it might be enough to bump it up to near 20 hopefully over