Buying superbox or supercabinet for first time grow.


Well-Known Member
"My goal is that I want a safe build that produces enough grow that sustains a small amount of smoking for life. Does that statement sound to bold to you? It should but that is my goal. "

me and my ole lady smoke but not like we used to. im smoking more right now because I quit smoking ciggs and it kinda helps with the hands to mouth part of the quitting process.

anyways, i have a small 32x32 tent with a 600w HID that can produce enough bud for me and her for the year and only have to run it for 3-4 months a year. It is sitting downstairs collecting dust untill i need to fire it back up, grow a plant and then tear it down again....rinse and no your statement is not bold at all and depending on how much you smoke could be much easier than you think.

when i first started growing i was giving the shit away by the handfull to "friends" usually had them "work" it off by helping me out with a project around the house.....soon realized that you need a badass grow to support you and your head "friends" ditched the friends and told em i dont grow anymore......didnt take long for them to stop being i just grow for me and my woman.

everyone says "grow big or go home" and that is a terrible motto and how people get busted., (if your not legal) also how people sink a shitload of cash into a project that lasts 8 months then you see all that expensive equip on craigslist.

look into tents, you said a 5x5 space?
^^ tent
heres a tent that would fit in your closet and give you room to stash all your supplies and run your ducting...this tent would grow 6 smaller plants or 3 really good sized plants (i would grow 3 in that tent)

looks like your covered on filter.

lighting i would suggest HID, for the prices of modern ballasts they are tried and true and reasonable on the wallet. i have had my apollo 600w for 4 years now and still running strong.
^^ light

looking at around 300 bucks for the tent and light but worthwhile investments for sure....i love my tent and would like to get another one shortly. (mine is about 4 years old and has a few grows through it)
as far as seeds go i have ordered from attitude 2 times and had good no plant geneticist so i cant say wether the genetics are what they claim to be but the bud was dam good. my advice there would be wait for a promotion before you order you can spend 130 bucks and walk out with a nice sack of seeds...its about 30 bucks in shipping.the B day promo, X mas and new years are usually good along with the 4/20 promo..if its months down the road then you have time to wait out a good promo, if you shop the promo + UFO + breeder promo you really can make out well...i think i got almost 40 seeds one order and only paid for 10 of them. sometimes they aren't the best and sometimes they can surprise you.....some folks may be able to tell you about the fruity chronic from the lucky 7's promo a few years bean and some killer smoke, most everyone loved it.

anyways rambling right on here haha thats what happens when i get on here after smoking a :joint:

good ill be watching and like i said keep it simple man, first grow should be easy and something to grow on. your never going to get it all in the first try so just take it slow, learn as you go and have fun :)

i take a very different approach to growing than alot of others on here..i dont get into all the hype and im a fairly lazy grower...i like to set it and forget it, i do enjoy training my plants i dont enjoy testing for everything under the sun and mixing 25 dfferent things in a gal of water every 2.7 days and spending a entire day building a contraption that will keep even the most miniscle light ray from hitting the back corner of my grow tent .....yeah fuck all a.throw some tin foil in there water with the lights on kinda guy lol

ok still rambling...gonna go smoke agin...bye haha


Active Member
Don't buy pre-made grow cabinets, they cost around £1k !
I bought a second hand large cabinet from a second hand store for £40, I then added reflective sheeting, filler to all joints to lightproof it, intake fan for cooling, carbon filter for smell and a sheet of blackout with velcro on the door. Cost just over £100 and does the job well.


Well-Known Member
Don't buy pre-made grow cabinets, they cost around £1k !
I bought a second hand large cabinet from a second hand store for £40, I then added reflective sheeting, filler to all joints to lightproof it, intake fan for cooling, carbon filter for smell and a sheet of blackout with velcro on the door. Cost just over £100 and does the job well.
that's the direction to go!


Active Member
Loved the project too! Really fun bit of DIY, just make sure you get good ventilation because the heat is really an issue in these closet grow setups. I use 2x 90w Prakasa UFO LED lights at around £100 each, mainly to keep the heat down and space used.

A few tips: If you are using duct tape to secure any gaps make sure to put EPOXY or some other strong adhesive underneath as duct tape becomes unstuck with heat. If you want to save money, paint the closet or wardrobe pure matt white instead of using mylar, a tin costs about £10. If you get a second hand wardrobe make sure to clean it thoroughly and air it out afterwards. Velcro and blackout sheeting is your best friend.


Well-Known Member
got a e mail back about ballast, i do have to pay return shipping but as soon as i foward them a tracking number theywill ship out a new ballast
Ok sorry I disapeared off the map there for awhile. I have my setup now. I am just testing out germination until I can get my grow room setup. I am going to post some pictures. I think I overwatered my one plant. The one plant that is popped is the free reg seed I got from herbies, I think its skunk. The others behind it that have not popped, I put them in a week after I planted the herbie seed, are just some seeds I got out of a bag of mids. Was just seeing if they would pop, its been 3 days and no sign of it. My question though is my little skunk is slowly getting some browning and I think its because of over watering. A week ago I poured into the germ chamber a cup of water with 300 ppm of flora nuits. then it seemed to stretch a bit and yesterday I added another cup of water because the heat mat evaporated it all. I had 500 ppm in one cup of water. The water was a bout a centimeter thick on the bottom, I just dumped it out before taking these pictures. Anyways these are throwaway plants and not the seeds I plan on growing I am just trying to see how to get through this first stage. Any tips? Light cycle is 18/6.



Well-Known Member
Honestly. What everyone said. Build your own.

But-- imo. Depending on your set up, it might not be cheaper. Better quality yes, bit cheaper maybe not. I didnt look at the link, but have looked at them in the past, and believe they are like $1500-2500.

My set up. Light, fan/filter, intakes, ducting, mylar, panda film, tuck tape, caulking, hangers, MDF to build the box, timers, fans (I was lucky to have all the tools, nails, glue,etc).

I bet you im at least 1700 in. Maybe a tad more but that is what I told my wife so im sticking to it. If you add my time in to build it, easily 3k based on a weekend of overtime which is what it took me.

But having said that, imo far superior product, stealth besides the noise which isn't loud and can be modified and it is a beautiful piece that blends in with all the other cabinets I have built around the house for closets and storage.

Anyways, Just saying that diy is awesome and fun but shouldn't always assume it will be cheaper in a pure dollars sense.