What part of "I do not wish my daughters having to show body parts to get ahead in their careers. My oldest is obtaining her dPT. Why should she have to show her cleavage.
So I guess you wouldn't mind you daughter sucking some cocks if it meant she could advance more quickly in her career. I mean she could work hard and apply her skill set, but if cocks in her mouth gets her there quickly then Daddy Rob Roy does not mind because it is her body (mouth and knees ).
What if the hypothetical daughter in question perceives this as a preferable scenario? I'm pretty sure some females actually enjoy that particular act.
Let's flip the scenario: would your mother be upset to know that you took and enjoyed the opportunity to munch a few carpets, and that it happened to result in an increase of financial success and career stability?
I mean, sure, people want to think "ew that's gross!" but really... anyone with a healthy view on sexuality probably views oral sex as a good thing, and if the person is giving it because they want to, not because they "have to," then what is the problem?
Personally, if i had a daughter, i'd be "ew that's gross," but i'd also understand that if that's what she wanted to do, and that it was her choice, and not "required," then... i'd have to accept that's just part of being human. Making babies usually results in adults, and adults will often act in accordance with their own views on sexuality. If you have a kid who grows up to be a "whore," just because that's what they enjoy, or because they find it a fair tradeoff for whatever they gain by it... there really shouldn't be a problem, and anyone who is "offended" by such things, should really work on adjusting their perspective a bit, IMO.