Occasionally give Vegging plants 24/0?

Tom Ato

Hi. Can I put my plants that are normally in 18/6 on 24/0 every now and then? My lights for veg go on at 5am and are off at 11pm. My flower lights are on at 9:30pm and off at 9:30am. I want to put my vegging plants under the hps a couple times a week after they've been in the veg room all day. Would this be okay? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Sure you could, they probably wont die from it. But IMO it's best to stick to one lighting schedule and to never physically move the plants if you dont have to. Plants store energy based on when they expect darkness, and theoretically dont store energy for respiration under 24hrs of light. If you randomly change lighting times and move plants they don't know how much to energy to store and it can be stressful.

Tom Ato

Good to know. Thanks. :) I usually do it once just before the start of flower, like give them 12/veg then 12/hps then 12/dark and then on to a regular flowering schedule. Do you think that's cool or a waste of time?


Well-Known Member
Good to know. Thanks. :) I usually do it once just before the start of flower, like give them 12/veg then 12/hps then 12/dark and then on to a regular flowering schedule. Do you think that's cool or a waste of time?
My motto is to do what works for you, I'm just here to share what I have learned from people wiser than me, and from hands on experimentation.

That being said I think you would be better served using a bulb that delivers more of a full spectrum of light, rather than moving the plants.But again if your getting good growth from what your doing why stop.

Tom Ato

My motto is to do what works for you, I'm just here to share what I have learned from people wiser than me, and from hands on experimentation.

That being said I think you would be better served using a bulb that delivers more of a full spectrum of light, rather than moving the plants.But again if your getting good growth from what your doing why stop.
That was my motto when I worked in Ohio at a deli. :p I guess I'll keep doing what I'm doing and not mix anything up. Thanks. :-)


Well-Known Member
Plants r excellent at mathematics they work a schedule out and proceed to store and spend according to their environment when u start to mess about with this enevitably it will lead to confusion and confusion leads to well u should no the answer to that.


Well-Known Member
Plants r excellent at mathematics they work a schedule out and proceed to store and spend according to their environment when u start to mess about with this enevitably it will lead to confusion and confusion leads to well u should no the answer to that.
I agree with you, but If he is doing it without any problems then it seems the only thing it leads to is a possibility of untapped potential but not messing around.


Well-Known Member
Fair enuff I am only stating that plants have a schedule and best not mess with it but as u said if nothing's getting Broken then carry on but tread carefully.


Well-Known Member
Plants do need rest time that is y I am against 24/0!
In flower they do, veg is really up for debate. I can turn a 8" clone into a healthy 2.5' plant in 3-4 weeks under 24hr. Both ways work with minimal difference, beside the whole saving electric thing.


Well-Known Member
I actually try a run with 24/24 light on for veg after reading somewhere that my clones would be ready to cut light 25% earlier and it actually work . I came back to 18/6 veg only for easier heat control


Well-Known Member
Heat is also an issue I'm not saying it's any worse well minimally I am but I just don't think the benefits out way the gain that's all.


Well-Known Member
I don't come at this with a whole lot of experience...yet. So you can add all the salt you want. First, considering the "never physically move"....on my grow I have 8 plants stored in 2 rows running under 24/0,(the lighting suggested to me by someone who has been growing perpetually for well over a decade) 600W MH. During veg I rotated them twice a day. So, every 4 days each plant had spent 12 hours in all eight positions or in other words had light penetrating from eight different directions. I have continued this to a degree in flower...but only once a day and on some days I have just spun them. I credit this with giving me a pretty even canopy and pretty well rounded plants. I also have been watering them on stool or table, in a clean area right outside my grow room. Again physically moving them out of the room, and then back again. This too will probably stop at some point as their volume is already making this a bit cumbersome. But it allows me to give each plant some individual attention.

Secondly, I know there are arguments on all sides of the 24/0, 20/4, 18/6 lighting question. I actually am going to give 20/4 a try next run, just for a bud comparison (someone I respect here likes that for the ultimate quality of the buds) ...but when I first started this endeavor a couple months ago, I knew nothing about ANY lighting schedule. My mentor told me to use 24/0 without ever offering the possibility of the others. It was not until discovering RIU that I discovered the different practices. Now I like the thought of giving them some light rest, but 24/0 has worked well... and when I asked my mentor about this since he just kind of stared at me and said "I know some people do it different, but why would you want to limit the grow time?" My plants, at the end of veg, ended out pretty nice with plenty of healthy roots so I cannot argue with him.
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Well-Known Member
I go 18/6 out of tradition but it is truly a myth that mj needs to rest during veg. Too many studies done for me to deny it so I did finally have to accept it. I do not know if it creates any stress to yo-yo them from 18 to 24.


Well-Known Member
My plants all prefer 20/4.

My light schedule varies daily from 16-24hrs with no set times.

My flowering room is the same way. usually off a few hours every day. I don't use timers

No it doesn't harm the plants at all


Well-Known Member
Ok here is my opinion why plant respiration(dark cycle) is not needed in many indoor vegetation grows. First off plant respiration produces water, CO2, and plays a key role in the citric acid cycle in all life on earth. In an indoor setting we provide the plants with water, co2(either by CO2 or fresh air)and most of the time bio-available nutrients(this does not apply for some organic grows that need citric acid production to help break down organic material). Therefore it is not completely needed for healthy plants in most cases.

If plants on earth were to not go through respiration it is in fact a catastrophic scenario, but most of the time not needed in indoors.